
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Glimpse.

A glimpse into life this month.

Nail polish painting.

"Car Washing"

This tub is worth it's weight in gold!

cupcake making.

banana bread making.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Very Merry UnBirthday.

One of the activities I hosted for this summer's playgroup was a "Very Merry UnBirthday," Party.  

We decorated "hats."
*crowns were cheaper, so sue me.

One of the moms made an adorable pinata and it was a HUGE hit!

A glitter bomb exploded in my house somehow.

Scrambling for candy.

A very happy recipient.

Every child bought an inexpensive gift to give to a friend.

We sang, "Happy Birthday," (because I didn't actually know the Merry UnBirthday Song) and everyone got their own cupcake with their own candle to blow out.


I think they had fun.

Go with the Flow.

As I've mentioned, my kids are bored. In an attempt to switch things up a bit, I let them ride their bikes on our morning walk instead of riding in the stroller. I thought this was a brilliant idea.

It lasted a half mile. 
Then they saw a sidewalk opening to the ocean and decided they were done. Instead of being put out that our mileage would be low, I went with the flow of things. It turned out to be such a nice morning. As they played I realized I need to chill out a little sometimes. I don't have to be saying, "no," all the time. If they want to stop at the beach, awesome--let's do it, if they want another story at bedtime, just read it. It's only a few more minutes of my time. It's unplanned beauty like this that make me grateful I carry my camera around with me. It's clunky and heavy and most of the time unnecessary but I am in love with these pictures and what I remember when I see them.

When I was a fun mom.

When I was a fun mom (she disappeared this month) we did the following:
Picnic at Bonzai Cliffs

Flower picking, outdoor tents, pudding pops and books.

Drum circles.

The dishes were always done.

Pretend baking.

These poor kids. Fun mom is gone and boring mom has replaced her. I've reached the point in my pregnancy where I am just tired and sore all the time. As soon as I hit my 3rd trimester my energy completely disappeared and out of nowhere my hips, back and feet started to ache. These days I'm pretty useless and my poor kids are so bored with me. Today I made a list of every single possible thing I could realistically do for the next 6 weeks (until Owen returns to preschool) so that their brains don't turn to mush from boredom. Wish me luck!

Life with Kids.

Back when I still had energy (about a month ago) I was washing dishes and captured the following moments.

Fueling up.

They got into my potted plants.

And then threw dirt bombs at each other.

And then attempted bubble bombs. 

Seriously, life with kids can be so hilarious!

He did it!

This adorable boy completed his first year of pre-school back in June! 

I was such a wreck those first few weeks, I almost pulled him out, but he loves school and has made amazing progress. Before he went to Head Start (the pre-k program) he was only using about 5 words total. After his first month or so he was putting together sentences! Now after one school year I can understand about 80% of what he's saying! It's amazing! He had great speech therapist that he absolutely loved and has made huge strides in speech and self help. (Brushing teeth, putting on shoes, etc.)

We are so proud of our boy!