
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bear Lake.

For the first time in 3 years we were able to go to the family cabin at Bear Lake. Boy is it different when you have kids! We had a really great time working on our tans and eating raspberry shakes. Unfortunately, we were a rather pathetic bunch on the way home. Tim was puking his guts out the whole way back, I was dealing with a spider bite and Owen ate something that he was allergic to so he had a terrible rash and a fever. I still think it was worth it. :-)

Owen especially loved the flavors of the area. :-)

 me & baby duex at 18 weeks.

Weekend in the Heat.

We stopped in St. George on our way to Salt Lake for Tim's rotation and visited with family for the 4th of July weekend. It. was. hot. Most of the day we had to spend indoors because of the heat.

We had to get a little creative with our activities. :-)

Owen doesn't like to sit and Linkon doesn't like to hear him cry about it. :-)

Those boys sure were loved while we were there!