
Thursday, December 30, 2010

June's First Moments

Our first few moments with baby June. 
Don't mind me, I was still a little weepy.

Happy Birthday Jesus.

Christmas was very different for us this year. We stayed home since we just had a baby and it's RSV season. The only Christmas Tim and I have spent here we did all sorts of fun things and slept in late, this year we were up all night with a baby and started opening presents at 6am! We still enjoyed Christmas through bloodshot eyes. :-)

Owen got spoiled. We didn't take many pictures since we had a video camera this year. 
His favorite present is a pop up spiderman tent that he and Dad likes to call their "fort." 

Owen and his kitchen.
We bought this with the theory that it would keep him out of the REAL kitchen when we are making meals. He's so cute when he tries to help but has almost burned himself several times.

Owen his his powertools.

The best of a dozen attempted pictures. 

Tim and I spoiled ourselves as well and bought a GPS for the car and a Ninja blender!
 Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

can't say we didn't try!

We tried to take some pictures today.....

We were able to get a few good ones before....

Mr. Fussy Pants came out.

We let him take a picture and this is what we got after we took the camera back. :-)





this makes me laugh so hard. Owen is HUGE compared to tiny little June! Even at birth Owen was a good 2 lbs heavier and 2 inches longer. We never felt like we had to very super careful with him since he was so thick and sturdy and June is just so dainty! I laugh every time I think of how opposite these kids are. :-)


We welcomed baby June last week and she has quite the story!

We've all been sick with this terrible cold for weeks now and miraculously were feeling a little better Sunday afternoon. We decided to take advantage of it and take Owen for a walk. A mile later we returned home sore but otherwise no worse for the wear. (or so we thought) Later that night around midnight Tim got violently ill. He  was vomiting every half hour for 7 hours and at the end was vomiting blood. To make matters worse I lost my plug that night and knew that I'd be going into labor in the next 24 hours. By morning we were so scared for Tim that we had a few men from the church come and give him a blessing. Thankfully Tim started to get better and was able to hold down water and ginger ale for the rest of the day while I cleaned and got everything ready in case we were going to be at the hospital soon. 

I'd been feeling contractions all day but didn't start timing them til later that night. Around 10pm they were 7 mins apart consistently but I didn't want to go in unless my water broke since Tim was so sick. Instead I called my mother in law and talked to her for another 2 hours while Tim slept. By midnight they were 2-3 mins apart and were starting to hurt. Finally I decided we should probably go in. We had a friend come over to stay with Owen and we were at the hospital by 1am. My contractions started getting fairly strong at this point as I remember having to stop in the parking lot a few times while walking to the hospital doors. Much to my surprise I was already a 5! It took me HOURS to get to a 5 with Owen so I was relieved that even though my water hadn't broken that it wasn't a false alarm and they were keeping me. 

The nurse informed me that she was going to help with a C-section so I could either have the epidural now or in an hour. Though I was in pain I felt I was okay and an hour didn't sound very long so I opted for the second. As soon as she left the pain escalated very quickly. By the end of the hour I was begging for the epidural. I had gone from a 5 to an 8 in an hour. The epidural was AMAZING. I don't know why on earth I thought I'd want to do labor without one. Since I was comfortable Tim fell asleep on the couch. An hour later the nurse came in to check my water and it immediately broke when she touched it. To her surprise June's head was already there! Still sick with my cold I coughed and she moved a little further! We quickly woke up a delirious Tim and with one push and about 2-3 minutes later she was born! It was amazing! I got to help pull her up and I didn't tear at all. Not a scratch! 

It was honestly a DREAM labor compared to Owen's and funny as it sounds, it was actually kind of fun. I'm still amazed at how easy it all was and how fast she came! I was only in active labor for about 4 hours instead of 22 with Owen! I chalk it up to the gallons of Red Raspberry Leaf tea I drank :-)

A few minutes old.

Owen meeting his little sister. He immediately tried to give her a binkie. :-)

She is such a good baby (so much easier than Owen was!) and we are just loving our little family. She looks a lot like Owen did as a baby- lots of hair and blue eyes! 

June in December.


June Marie Wood

December 7, 2010
5:12 am
6 lbs 6 oz
19 1/2 inches

Sunday, November 21, 2010

37 weeks.

I am now at the point where I am so over being pregnant. We've been to the hospital 8 times in the last 2 weeks because of my back pain and they still can't tell me for sure what it is. I've been contracting ever 1-3 minutes for the past week and a half but no progression! This same thing happened with Owen. I didn't have any progression until my water broke. Oh heaven help me! The hospital told us that they really can't do anything for me anymore and that I'll just have to wait til it breaks! Everyday is such a struggle fighting with the pain and trying to keep Owen entertained. Luckily, Tim had a 4 day weekend this week and only has 3 days left of this rotation and is off for the rest of the November AND December. Poor guy has become Mr. Mom lately. I'm still boggled at how for such small people we always manage to have such huge babies? My small frame can't handle these last few weeks!

Tim had a "vision" that she will either come right after Thanksgiving dinner or just after we finished all the Harry Potter movies. (Owen came the night we finished all the Lord of the Rings movies.) I am PRAYING that he is right.

I'm still amazed at how different these pregnancies are. I had a much easier time with nausea with Owen but the last 3 months were so hard on my hips and I gained a TON of weight. With June I had lots of nausea, gained a reasonable amount of weight but not a ton and didn't have really any problems until the last few weeks. Maybe she'll throw me a bone during labor and just slide out! :-)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We've had a pretty rough week! 

Saturday morning I woke up with terrible pain in my back. I figured I had just slept weird and that it would go away but as the day progressed it got terribly worse. I had my baby shower that morning and didn't want to miss it so I put on a brave face, popped some tylenol and allowed the good company and delicious chocolate fountain to distract me. By the end of my shower though I was in some really extreme pain and my friends had to help me carry myself and my belongings down to my car. Still thinking I must've just pulled a muscle or something I kept trying the home remedies to relieve the pain. When nothing put a dent in my pain I finally freaked out and thought maybe I was in labor. 

We took Owen to a friends and headed to the hospital. Once there we were told I had a lot of blood in my urine (TMI?) and that my kidneys were inflammed from a severe UTI. I was really surprised since I hadn't felt any symptoms besides the back pain. Worse still the problems with my kidneys were causing contractions every 3 minutes. They pumped me full of fluids and antibiotics but my contractions still weren't stopping. At this point I just wanted to be out of pain and in my own bed. Reluctantly they gave me a shot of pain medicine that was supposed to knock me out for the night and allowed me to go home even though they were sure I'd just be back. Sure enough I woke up 4 hours later in extreme pain. Not wanting to go back to the hospital I spent the night crying and trying different yoga positions. 

We ended up back in the hospital Sunday night with the same story. I was sent home with pain medication again but a few hours later was in pain. 

Monday we finally found out that it was NOT a UTI and spent the entire day at the hospital to finally figure out I had kidney stones! I was shocked! I had never had them before and couldn't believe I was lucky enough to get them while pregnant. Luckily, the tests showed that they were in the process of passing so they allowed me to go home instead of keeping me in the hospital for 3 days. I'm home now with some pretty good pain meds and hoping that they pass soon. Tim and a friend of ours gave me a blessing and since then I've been doing so much better. 

I had an appointment with my OB the next day and was given an "order," to take it easy since my contractions are still 3 minutes apart (they are pretty small at this point) and they are actually started to dialate me. At 35 weeks I'm 1 cm dialated and thinning out pretty quickly. I'm doing my best to "take it easy," but it's really difficult. I have so much to do and a 30 lb son! Taking it easy is something that isn't easy at all! For now she seems pretty well settled in there and hopefully decides to stick around for another few weeks. :-) 
with Owen I was desperate for an induction by this point but with June I feel amazingly calm. I haven't even packed a bag or put her carseat in the car! She has just been a lot easier to carry and I'm feeling pretty zen. I am getting uncomfortable but I'm very okay with her staying put for awhile. We'll see how long that feeling lasts. :-)

Baby Shower.

Last Saturday my friend Lindsey (who is due only 3 days before me!) threw me an adorable baby shower for little June. We had a delicious chocolate fountain with all kinds of goodies and we had such a good time visiting and celebrating the upcoming arrival of our little girl.

My favorite part!
I ate so much of it I spilled some on my white undershirt and had to use my hair to cover it for the rest of the shower! :-)

The bulk of us.
(missing Joan who is taking the pictures and a few others who had left already.)

It was so much fun! We really have such great friends here in ABQ we feel so lucky!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Eater.

We went to Wagner Farms this morning to score ourselves a baby pumpkin. It was in the cutest little town and we had a good time sipping on fresh watermelon juice while chasing around the little guy.

Owen was very grabby.

Baby pumpkin and shadow man.

And of course.......

Plenty of green chile to go around!

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Spidey Senses.

We were a little lazy for Halloween this year. This was my original plan.
So cute, right? Turns out at 8 1/2 months pregnant, NOT so cute.

So instead this is what we came up with.

Owen is still a spider, I'm a lady with a basketball belly and Tim is Tim. 

Owen looked pretty cute. He got a little overwhelmed by the whole process but got the hang out it at the end. He even started carrying his pail and grabbing the candy from the buckets. Sadly, I brought my camera that didn't have a flash so we didn't get very good pictures.

Basketball belly.
I'm pretty swollen now so this was the perfect costume for me. Almost as good as wearing yoga pants. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

33 weeks.

Posting a little late. I've been tricking myself into thinking I'm not as big as I really am and pictures prove me wrong so I've been avoiding taking them. Nonetheless I want to remember this later on in life.

Here I am in my 33 1/2 week glory. I've reached the stage where very few things fit. I scored this shirt from Walmart for $3! It lets me live in denial a little easier. :-) Steadily gaining weight now (even though I'm still a little sick.) and always tired and swollen. I'm usually throbbing my the end of the night. June isn't much of a kicker but she sure does stretch! Right into my ribs! Ouch! She's so low now that when she moves I feel like she's about to fall out. She's very active now and causes lots of contractions and cramps.

Basically I feel like a flotation device and could fart anyone into an oblivion. Pretty excited to be down to my old size and not resemble something from the whale family. I've been dreaming about her a lot lately and picture her looking just like Owen. :-) Everyday is different. Some days I'm so anxious and excited to meet her and others I am so nervous I want to start crying. Lots of crying lately. Whale-like features as well as being this emotionally pathetic is where we're at right now. :-)

Only a few more weeks to go!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chicken Little.

Went to the Botanical Gardens awhile ago and made some new friends. I didn't have my camera but my friend Lauren got these great shots of Owen and his new buddy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

32 weeks.

32 weeks with baby June.

Sorry for the low quality pictures. I was dying for a nap and had Tim snap a few with his phone. My last doctors appointment was about a week ago and it looks like Tim and I just make big babies no matter what! June is measuring 2-3 weeks ahead all of a sudden and is expected to weigh in around 8 lbs! Geesh! And here I thought we were going to get a break and have a small baby for once! Looks like not. She warned me that with June's rapid growth I would be rapidly growing as well and boy have I! I've been craving lots of meat, potatoes, salad and soup with her lately (probably due to her big growth spurt!) She's already head down and sometimes I feel like she's about to fall out! The swelling has definitely set it and by the end of the day my whole body is throbbing. It's the middle of November and I'm still sweating my can off. I bought myself a nice little plug in fan at the thrift store today for $4 so I don't freeze out the boys. Though it's becoming increasingly uncomfortable I'm still amazed at how different these babies are. June wiggles all over while Owen was just a powerhouse kicker. I carry them completely different and have been a lot more comfortable for a lot longer with her. Been having a lot of cramping and some Braxton Hicks. I'm starting to get pretty anxious about her arrival as most of my clothes are getting pretty snug. That and I'd like to be able to reach my feet again. :-)

Hopefully she doesn't come too early but I wouldn't mind a week or two. :-)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


My mom needed a photo of Owen for her "grandkids," wall and we hadn't taken nice pictures of  him for awhile so we did a little photo shoot. We even managed to take a few decent family photos! Turns out it's pretty hard, even with a tripod. Regardless, we got some pretty cute pictures of our little guy. I love that you can see all the red in his hair and his eyes are turning more hazel (Tim's side of the family!). Such a little stud.

He is so funny lately.
He holds his hands together when we pray with him at mealtimes and before he goes to bed.
Knows "ears," and "nose" but will only point to them on Mommy's face.
I love to watch him run! His arms move side to side and he always makes a noise as he is running so it sounds funny when he steps.
He takes your hand and leads you where he wants you to go.
He's actually become a little bit picky in eating. I don't know where it came from?
Tantrums have definitely started. We've had a few meltdowns and he's earned some timeouts. :-(
Is such a cuddler lately. I LOVE it! June doesn't love it so much though since he's all up in her grill lots of the time.

We just love our little guy! 

Zoo Pals.

Went to the zoo with some friends awhile ago. It's so much fun now that Owen notices the animals and he loves to be with his little girlfriends.

The kiddos love to run. Owen loves his girlfriends :-)

My friend Lindsey is due just 3 days before me but amazingly still has room to hold Owen.

But even with all these distractions, this was still his favorite activity.


We ventured out to the Balloon Fiesta with Owen this morning since it's our last one here in ABQ! We were so excited the night before but around 4am we were regretting having to get up. It was way colder than we prepared for and poor Owen was not happy about it. We had a really good time though and were pretty proud that our kid still loved us at the end of it. 

Freezing our cans off.

Good ole Darth. 

Red noses.

Dawn Patrol. I love this! They look like giant night lights.
Can you believe we were up before the sun, willingly?!

Such a huge crowd. I wish I got a picture as we were leaving the parking lot. It was tremendous.

We asked someone to take our picture and they cut Owen out. I guess they thought he was a stunt baby. :-)

Owen throwing up gang signs.

Finally interested in the balloons.

Annnnnnnd done.