
Monday, May 31, 2010

Pinning Ceremony

A few weeks ago Tim went through a pinning ceremony for school to mark his LAST YEAR! He took his last final for the rest of his life now all he has left is 9 rotations lasting a month long each before he graduates! I forgot my camera (again! I forgot it for the White Coat Ceremony marking his first year too.) so our friends Amy and Chase obliged us. :-)

Newly Pinned.

The After party.

Congratulations Tim! We're so proud of you!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Big Trees.

While in California we all we to see the Big Trees! We were so excited but unfortunately optimistic about the weather. Believe it or not, it started SNOWING while we were there. We definitely weren't dressed for such intense weather so we had to speed through it a little as to avoid frostbite. Snowstorm or not, we didn't want to miss out on it entirely so we hiked it anyway!

California Dreaming.

We went for a visit to California to see Tim's sister and her family. It was such a great trip. Great food, amazing company and even some Cable TV! (One of the biggest luxuries we like to enjoy whilst on vacation.)

Here's a few other things we enjoyed:

We got to do a session at the Sacramento Temple one morning. 

Went to the zoo:

More to come!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Santa Fe.

We went on a day trip to Santa Fe yesterday. About time. We've only lived here 3 years and have NEVER been. It was so much fun to be out and about! We/I drooled over the street vendors jewelry, ate at a cute hole in the wall restaurant (where I found a guy who spoke Tagalog!) listened to some salsa music, walked thru a few art exhibits and visited a beautiful church. We didn't stay long since it was a little windy and we forgot our jackets but we'll definitely make a trip up again soon.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Better late than never!

About two months ago I decided to make Owen a quilt for his 1st birthday. That was the plan anyhow. It seems the universe was against me! My sewing machine broke twice and I finally had to have a lady at the repair shop sew the last few lines before the hand stitching started. Nevertheless, I prevailed! Owen finally got his birthday present from Mom and Dad.

I'm pretty proud of it even though it has several mistakes.
 I justify that it being my first I'm allowed a few mistakes here and there. :-)

As long as the birthday boy likes it! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

walk this way.

Our little monkey is walking!
He actually started a week or two before his 1st birthday and surprised us all when he mastered it in just a week! He LOVES it. 

He is super happy about it too! :-)
His favorite thing is for Mom to chase him.

Yours truly. Almost 10 weeks and already showing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

another one bites the dust...

Forgive me dear friends for my long absence. I've been busy growing a baby in my belly! In order to clear up some FAQs you may have, I've loving stolen this Q&A from my good friend Andi.

Pregnancy FAQs

Q: How are you feeling?
A: I'm definitely not about to join an pie eating contests right now, that's for sure. I'm pretty sick most days and puke when I even LOOK at food that grosses me out. That said, I don't have it nearly as bad as others who are getting their fluids thru IVs so I'm VERY grateful.

Q: Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?
A: It's so early that I really can't say with conviction like I could with Owen but there is a nagging voice in the back of my head saying it's a girl. There is another nagging voice saying I'm always wrong so ..... :-)

Q: Are you going to find out the sex before the baby's born?
A: Absolutely. I would love to be one of those people who could have a surprise by choice but I'm a type A planner and I just can't handle not knowing! Tim isn't fond of the surprise idea either.

Q: Were you trying, or was this an "oops!" baby?
A: "Oops!" just sounds so mean and unwanted! We definitely weren't planning on it for at least another year but now that the deed is done we definitely are excited. Excited, shocked, nervous, terrified and thrilled all at once. Honestly, I'm still so thrown at the news that I forget that I'm pregnant all the time. I even bought 4 more tests after the first 2 just to "make sure," because it wasn't sinking in.

Q: Are you going to give birth naturally?
A: We'll see. I'm not going to rule it out because I definitely have a breaking point but I've heard recovery is easier when you don't have an epidural. (*or a third degree tear! boo!)

Q: Have you thought of names for the baby?
A: Absolutely. Like I said, type A planner. I started hounding Tim about names the day we found out. We have a name set for a girl (always have) but we're struggling with boy names yet again. We are hoping for a girl just so the poor child will have a name before his 10th birthday.

Q: Are you scared?
A: Extremely. More so than with our first. With our first we were blissfully unaware of the "hitting a brick wall of realization," moments. I think this time I know more of what "could," happen and I'm afraid of how to handle it with a very active toddler and no family within 500 miles. That said, I do have moments of "hey, I'm a pretty good mom," and it helps build up my confidence that it won't be as chaotic as I imagine.

Q: Is this pregnancy much like your first?
A: Yes and no. My pregnancy with Owen was fairly effortless til the last trimester with only small bouts of nausea. Heck, I only vomited twice the whole pregnancy and both times they were pre-labor induced. Differences I've noticed so far is I'm ridiculously emotional with this one. I only had a crazy pregnant woman cry episode ONCE with Owen and it wasn't til I was 6 months along. With this one I knocked that record out before we even realized I was pregnant. (and the tallies are still racking up!) Also, cravings are totally different things and came much earlier.

Q: When are you due?
A: We're due first part of December. Which is scary. December/January/February are FULL of birthdays, anniversaries and GERMS! And as a December baby myself (12/27) I already feel sorry for the kid. December is a tough month to have a birthday. But hey, at least we can count it on our taxes, right? :-)

Q: Do you want a boy or girl? 
A: Honestly, I love boys, they are just so much fun. When I picture my ideal family when we're older it's just FULL of boys. I know Tim really wants a girl though and since everyone on his side of the family are fighting for our favorite girl name it'd be nice to have a girl too. :-)

Q: Are you just having one?
A: That remains to be seen! We had an ultrasound and they did find another sac but couldn't see well inside it. Chances are it's nothing and it will just resorb or something but they haven't ruled it out completely. Fraternals twins DO run in my family so you never know!