
Saturday, October 27, 2012

I believe this & it is beautiful.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Japanese Autumn Festival.

Every year they have a Japanese Autumn Festival here in Saipan. We went last year and had so much fun being immersed in Japanese culture. There are a lot of Japanese residents here and many of the restaurants and stores are Japanese so it's easy to forget that we're technically in the states.

Before the real show started we walked around a bit and Owen led us straight to the donut shop.
 (Totally by accident, I'm sure.)

Both the kids only eat the portions covered in frosting.

This was the cutest thing ever but my hands were full and my lens was on zoom. The moment lasted about a minute and this was the only image I was able to catch. June noticed the moon up in the sky and was pointing saying, "Look! Look!" She didn't know what it was and it was the sweetest thing to watch her curiosity peak.

This little girl was so adorable. She was actually snapping pictures with that camera!

I just couldn't get enough of all the little girls running around in kimonos.

We've all been battling a cold for a month now and the kids started to get winded pretty early. Owen is a HUGE Daddy's boy and June is my baby but she insisted on her Dad carrying her for the bit of the festival. Super Dad, I tell you.

The whole thing left me itching for our Japan trip (coming this April for the Cherry Blossom Festival!) and wishing I could claim I was at least a little bit Japanese. :-)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

things from my happy list part II

June and I went flower picking in our neighborhood the other day. It was so nice outside and I loved watching her run to the nearest flower, put it to her nose and take a big whiff. We didn't actually come home with any flowers this time but watching Bugsy frolicking through the neighborhood, waving hello and blowing kisses to the gardeners made my morning a happy one.

things from my happy list.

We went to Himawari for ice candy the other day.
It made a huge mess but even bigger smiles. 

homemade ice candy! a million different flavors including pineapple, mango, green tea, banana milk, and my favorite, lemon soda.

Owen insisted on sitting in this cart and pushed himself around in it with his feet. I couldn't stop laughing.

Best donuts on island. For reals.

Sushi heaven. We come here for lunch sometimes because they have so many options.
The spicy tuna roll is the BOMB.

I love all the cute things they have for kids. These are meant to go in a bento box but they were out of boxes.

Himawari is a Hotel, Restaurant, Bakery AND Store all in one. These wild orchids grow on the balconies of the hotel rooms.

After our ice candy eating Owen re-purposed the sticks into musical drumming sticks. This kid cracks me up. He loves music and dance (and sports. He's seriously a mini-me) and can find a way to make music with just about anything.

And then we returned home to this gorgeous view.

the sun, sky and salty sea.

After a morning of errands I looked outside my car window and saw the shining sun. Right then and there I decided I had enough momentum to run home, throw together a beach bag and hit the waves. I was determined. 
It turned out to be a GLORIOUS day at Wing Beach that day.

Owen is so much his mother's boy. He LOVES the water and is so adventurous. He ran straight to the ocean, splashed around and begged to jump on this rock.

reliving "Ariel."

June however isn't very keen on the beach. She loves the sand but is not a fan of the water. Or my kisses in this photo.

Saipan beaches are beyond beautiful. Tim and I always joke about how any vacation we take now will be "the poor man's Saipan beach."

We had such a beautiful afternoon. We rode some waves, picked up sea glass, watched/chased hermit crabs, built sand castles, laid in the sun and I just soaked up every beautiful moments I had with my children. It was truly one of those afternoons where the world is just a better placed and filled with so much love.

double time throwing.

This boy can throw sea rocks as big as his head!


What a beautiful world we live in.

Monday, October 15, 2012

on my mind.

When I'm having an off day or it's raining outside for the 10th day in a row (yeah, I'm talking to you Saipan rainy season) I take a lesson from Fräulein Maria and think of my favorite things. And then I don't feel so bad. Sometimes I write them down and vow to somehow do or get as many things from the list as possible. So today I plan to take the kids on a walk to pick flowers, turn up the radio as I wash the dishes, read my kids as many stories as they want, make a cup of tea even though it's 90 degree and humid, put on the one big floppy hat I own, take the kids to Himawari for homemade popscicles  and anything else I can possibly to cram in to fill today with the things that make me happy.

Today's list of things that make me happy:

the view out my window
the tropical breeze
babies (especially my own)
making things
the beach
being outside
riding bikes
tickle fights
warm blankets
quiet moments
big hats
the sound of birds chirping
the smell of baking
eating healthy
songs from the "timlyn dating" era
playing instruments
our wedding song
jane austen books
sleeping babies
floral sheets
melting popscicles
kool aid mustaches

I also like to write down parts of my bucket list that I'm thinking of at the time. It lets me know that I don't have to sit idle. I always have things to strive for. I can always look to the future and know good things are to come.

a portion of my bucket list:
learn to play the guitar/ukelele *already working on this one
cook and serve Thanksgiving dinner in my formal dining room with family all around
learn to crochet
have lots of babies
sing in a coffee shop to a live crowd
take the kids to disneyland
go on a second honeymoon with Tim
plant a garden

So here's to today, tomorrow and everyday that we can chose to be happy and live our lives full of love.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Favorite things: June

June Marie:

-You love to sit or lie down in puddles. You just can't help yourself. I used to carry you down our stairs and then let you walk to the door but every time I do  you go straight to a puddle and splash in it or immediately lie down in it. It's so cute watching you skipping and singing to yourself as you play in the water but you sure have muddied up a number of outfits lately. :-)

-You're so easy to take on runs! All you need is a book or possibly some crackers and you are perfectly content looking at your book and watching the waves as we run along side the beach. 

-You like to fake sneeze with me. Your little "ah-choo!" is one of the cutest things I've ever heard. My other favorites? Mama (never gets old), mouth (mow-p), Sunbeam (suh-bee!) and Owen (ah-wen). You have the sweetest little voice.

-I love watching you dance. You definitely got this from me. Sometimes there isn't even any music when you get going but I tell you girl, you've got moves!

- You love your bath time and you almost always try to drink the water--yuck! You also love to lie down in it with just your head above the water and pretend to swim. 

-You definitely have tantrums. When you're mad you will go straight to the fridge and smack all the magnets off or go to the bookshelf and throw all the books down from the shelf. You know I'm going to make you put them back and you fight me almost every time but you still do it. :-) Another thing you do when you're mad? Purposely spill things. Cups, plates, you name it! 

-You still love the movies Finding Nemo, Shrek and Monsters Inc. You request them often by yelling, "Mem-oh!""Sh-ek!" or "Sulley!" It's pretty adorable.

-You do this silly thing were you wiggle your bum when you're watching something you like or when you're excited. It's the funniest thing to watch.

-You still don't love sleeping in a toddler bed. You're a night owl so you hate when we put you to bed at 7:30 and you're not ready. Most of the time you'll play with your toys until you fall asleep but many times you come to the door and bang on it or cry until you give up and go to bed. 

-You love babies and dollhouses. I took you to the toy store where they had a big dollhouse set up and you played there, exclusively with the baby doll in the house, for an entire hour. I love watching you play and care for that tiny thing. You even tried to steal it! I told you it was time to go and you instantly tried to hide it in your hands and pretend you had nothing. You threw quite the fit when  I made you put it back.

-You play peek a boo with me all the time. It's still so sweet!

-You can use a spoon now but you usually don't. You still prefer your hands and are sticking to it! We try to get you to use your utensils all the time but you get angry. Someday you will have better table manners!

-You still cuddle all the time and I am beyond thrilled to oblige. 

-You still waddle a bit when you run and it's the cutest thing in the world.

You are such a sweet little girl June bug. You light up our lives and it's been so fun watching you grow into your very big personality. Love you a bushel and a peck baby girl.

Favorite things: Owen

The kids have been growing so fast lately. I feel like time is on fast forward and I'm desperate for it to just slow down a little. I know they won't be this young forever and I want to always remember the silly things they do. The other night after we put them to bed I grabbed a pen and notebook to jot down a few of my favorite things that the kids are up to right now. I thought it would be just a quick note but I ended up filling the entire page and thinking I had "just one more" I started writing in the blank corners. Soon I had filled every space. I really feel so lucky to be a mother to these incredible children. Here are a few things I wrote about my son.


-You hate being messy now. You request napkins or wipes to clean yourself up when  you spill anything and you're actually a pretty good little cleaner now.

- You are really hard to take on runs! I have to give you a movie on Dad's ipod or some really good treats to keep you from pestering your sister or whining. 

-You sing all the time. I love when you sing. We can always understand what song you are singing because you are almost always in key.

- You love stories but only at bedtime. You have a few favorites and lately they've been: Mortimer Be Quiet!, Who Invited the Moon to Dinner, Thomas the Train book and Ten Hungry Monsters. It's the cutest thing in the world when you say, "Stowee?" Or when you copy our story telling by saying, "Mortimer, be quiet!" or "No, no Moon! You're too big!" 

- You're really picking up sentences and words now. Especially since starting preschool at the Head Start program. The speech therapists there really know their stuff and can really connect well with you. Lately you've been saying lots of things like, "Brush teeth!" "Clean up," "This way!" etc. I love hearing your little voice.

-You were crabby one night about going to bed so I was being silly and said, "Owen, I have to tell you a secret!" Then I whispered in his ear, "I love you!" and kissed him all over. You giggled and laughed and now you request me to do it all the time. You've even done it to me sometimes and to your sister which is unbelievably adorable.

-Eating is usually a fight with you. You pick fights over eating food you actually like sometimes! We've had to be really strict about meal times and snack times, drinking from your water bottle instead of drinking all the milk and trying one bite of everything on your plate. We've had standoffs at the table for HOURS. Gone are the days that you'll eat anything and everything like you did when you were little. I still love you anyway and you seem to be growing like crazy regardless.

-Unfortunately you've been wetting the bed and have been having a few accidents. You like preschool now but it's still a pretty big transition for you to be away from me for half the day throughout the week and I'm fairly certain this is why you are taking a step backward in potty training. You've been potty trained since January! It's already gotten a little better so I believe with time it will be okay.

-You're phasing out of naps and usually only take one 2 or 3 times a week. You get pretty grumpy in the afternoons so I'm pretty sure you still need one but you are determined to grow up!

-You like to watch Johnny Bravo which I find hilarious. I loved that song when I was younger (and still find it funny!) so seeing you like it too (and act it out!) is so thrilling to me.

-You've started to try putting on your own socks. Cutest thing, EVER.
-You still LOVE music. You always get excited during singing time at church and in school and you'll stop dead in your tracks if someone is singing a pretty song.

-You are getting so brave! You will now run and jump into the pool (with your water wings of course), you can float on your back and even swim in a circle. We are so proud!

-You love babies. When we hold our friend's babies you always want a turn and make sure to give them lots of hugs, kisses and toys. It's so cute to see you pat their little heads and talk to them.

  We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. It's amazing how fast you have grown from just a chubby little baby to the little boy you are now. I will cherish our memories together everyday. I love you baby boy. You are my sunshine.