
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 Months.

Our little June bug is 2 months old already! (2-7-11) She is getting big so fast I can't believe it. Everything about her seems too fast! My pregnancy (besides the stint with kidney stones!) and labor went super quickly and now before I know it she's 2 months! The rest of her body is finally catching up with her cheeks! She smiles all the time now and even giggles a little. She has the sweetest little voice! I really never saw myself with anything except boys but now that I have a girl I am so excited to have more of either! (and by excited I mean in a year or two. I'm not THAT crazy.)

At 2 Months June is:
10.4 lbs (75th percentile)
22 1/4 inches (75th percentile)

-nursing very well. We try to give her a bottle of pumped milk or newborn formula at least once a day so we can eventually go out and she does alright but she definitely doesn't like it.
-cooing and smiling. even giggling sometimes!
-loves her bath but hates to get out.
-is so cuddly! as soon as she finishes nursing at night she'll pull off and nuzzle into you then go limp. :-) 
So cute.
-Is into a few of her 3-6 months outfits but mostly 0-3 still. She has such a long torso and short little legs! Her pants are still newborn size!
-Still has SUPER blue eyes.
-Hair is growing, growing, growing! She is getting a little bald spot on the back of her head where she sleeps though.
- still has 2 colics in the back! Tim called them the twin tornados. :-)
- is very calm. She'll sit or lie on the floor and just look around til she's hungry, tired or wet.
-is sleeping around 4-5 hour stretches a night! Hallelujah!
-no longer has what we lovingly called a "turtle neck." Instead of big cheeks and a long neck she now has a few chins inbetween.

We are so elated with this little girl! Love you baby dolly!
She is SUCH a sweet baby. We have been enjoying her SO much and Owen just LOVES her. Every time we bring her out after a nap Owen gets so excited and holds out his arms to hold her. He is so helpful and comes to her every time she cries. Such a good big brother! I used to wonder if some moms were crazy when they told me how much they enjoy this stage because Owen was so hard as a newborn but June is just SUCH a joy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

love: 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9.

#5 The Performing Arts

Isn't Capitol Theatre dreamy?!

I LOVE the performing arts. Anytime the symphony is playing, a ballet or an opera we always make an effort to go. Getting dressed up and going to a decked out theatre with live music is just amazing. I absolutely love it. I feel so fancy. Tim took me to the symphony for one of our dates when we were still newly dating and I remember thinking he was one of a kind to take me. Any man that can appreciate the music of Swan Lake live deserves a second look. :-)

p.s. Tim even proposed to me on my birthday after taking me to the ballet! DEFINITELY a winner. :-)

#6 Antique Jewelry

Anything old really sparks my interest but jewelry seems to hold so much history. My engagement ring is from the 1920's and everytime I look at it I wonder how much love it must've seen through the years. That and it's absolutely GORGEOUS. We had such a hard time finding a ring for me when we got engaged but the second we stepped foot in that antique jewelry store I was like a kid in a candy shop! Tim bought me some sapphire earrings from the same shop for our last anniversary and has promised much more :-)

#7 Television

I make no attempt to deny it. I love TV. When I was single I LOVED spending Saturday morning in bed with a bowl of beef ramen watching TV. Even if it was bad TV (like Judge Judy). Now there are all kinds of cool shows to sit back and watch mindlessly. I get so into it! I sometimes even get into the commercials. Tim always laughs at me when he hears me laughing just to find it was a commercial. What can I say? I'm an American!

#8 Photos

Old photos, new photos, I just love pictures. I always have my camera out and bugging Tim to take pictures of every moment. Every time we can afford it I LOVE hiring a professional to take family pictures of us. Maybe it's vain but I think we have such a beautiful family and I don't want to be sitting here at 50 when my memory starts failing me and not have pictures to remind me.

#9 Christ.

This man saved my life. I'm definitely not perfect but thanks to Him I can still have all I need to be happy. Because of him I know my family will be together forever and consoles me on a daily basis. I am so blessed and I know it's because of Him.

Friday, February 4, 2011

the dish ran away with the spoon.

To say Owen loves water is a major understatement. This kid definitely has island roots. 
Since we don't have a beach and our pool is frozen over we have to resort to other sources. :-) 
He's obsessed with "helping" or "copying" everything we do right now so I can't ever wash the dishes without his assistance. :-)

I'm not sure why I even roll up his sleeves anymore because EVERYTHING gets wet.
See that huge puddle on the floor? 

he just loves helping!

amore 2, 3 & 4

I'm already really slacking on this!

#2 Jazz

Best way to convince me of something? Play me a song. Sounds stupid but music is my ultimate weakspot.
I am head over heels in love with old school jazz. Play anything Dean Martin or Ella Fitzgerald and I instantly swoon. There's something so romantic and classic about old jazz, it just takes me to another place entirely. I feel like I should've been born during that time. The clothes, the music---too bad they didn't have air conditioning yet or it'd be a perfect fit! :-)

hear a great jazz song here.

#3 My wedding song

We struggled to agree on a wedding song for what seemed like forever. (Actual time around 3 months) When we finally found one it felt like the perfect song. When I heard it for the first time I was only around 6 but even then I remember thinking I wanted to dance with my husband to it someday. (I remembered this AFTER we decided on it) I still feel like I'm dancing on air whenever I hear it.

to hear it click here.

#4 Books

*I'm trying to collect all of these. So far I have Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre & Great Expectations.

Don't you just love the smell of books? I loooooove books. I love the covers, the feel of the pages, the way they look in a bookcase, everything. I know everyone is moving toward reading books on things like nook but I don't think I'll ever convert. Call me old school but turning the pages give me a thrill.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

v-day month.

My friend Jackie (of Jackie & Evan) is listing off one thing a day that she loves for the month of February. Obviously I'm stealing the idea because I think it's sweet. :-)

Day 1: The obvious. My family. Sometimes I miss my corporate life and the days when Saturdays meant you could sleep in but these faces bring me so much joy.

After rolling/swimming in the flour he dropped on the floor.
He is the silliest boy I've ever seen. He is so giggly and does the funniest things (the other night he spent half an hour chasing/attacking his shadow), we just die laughing at him!

How sweet is that face?! The rest of her body is finally starting to catch up to her cheeks and she's been smiling and cooing more and more everyday. We named her June after her great-grandma June (Tim's grandmother) and surprisingly she even looks a lot like her! Guess it was meant to be! (Her middle name Marie is after my sister Alana & my favorite Aunt Orla. Now they all share the same middle name and I was so happy to have her share something with such amazing women.)

And of course this stud of a man. He is seriously a genius and can rock any hairstyle--even a buzzed head. Plus he sings my name into random songs to make me laugh and is obsessed with the thought of "surviving off the land," in some sort of survivorman camp.
What man could be better?


It snowed here in ABQ and not just the soft powder that the citizens freak out over just in time for it to melt 10 seconds later. This snow was actually thick and stayed! It's supposed to snow for the next few days and surprisingly I'm loving it! After living in the desert I've forgotten how much I actually love snow. It's so beautiful and reminds me of my winter wedding. Owen loves the snow as well and played in the freezing cold until he was soaking wet (we were terribly under prepared for actual snow! I'm surprised we even had gloves for the kid!) and even then he cried when Tim had to take him inside. I watched from the window and was full of laughter and joy watching them together. It truly was one of those moments when, despite how hard it is and how crazy they drive me, I realized how I am grateful for my children and how much joy they bring into our family. Tim's pursuit of moving to Alaska suddenly isn't looking so bad! Ha!

My personal favorite :-)

Pat on the Back.

Yesterday I was going on 3 hours of sleep. (And for a more dramatic effect, it was day 89 of having only 4 hours or less). I had to give myself a pat on the back last night after I remembered all I had done that day.

Yesterdays Accomplishments:
Made breakfast and lunch
Unloaded & Loaded dishwasher twice
Cleaned and greased all our cast iron pans
Washed, Dried & Fold two loads of laundry
Fixed the clog in the bathroom sink
Bathed both kids
Changed 17 diapers!
Cleaned out the disaster in the cabinets below the bathroom sink
Picked up the living room and Owen's room 4 times
Pumped 2 bottles
Cleaned, organized and packed ALL of June's clothes
Took pictures and videos of Owen playing in the snow
Made a meal plan for the week
Made a grocery list for the week
Cleaned out the coat closet

Not bad for a sleep deprived citizen, eh?