
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tropical Christmas

Tropical Christmas 2012

They weren't interested in their stockings until they noticed the candy canes hanging on them. Ha!

"Crisp Kringle"

Owen had the BEST expressions. 

This girl was all about the candy.

She is in LOVE with books right now. She goes to bed with one every night.

Ninja sword & Karate Chopping Buzz Lightyear.

Petting our new "dog."

When it looks like this outside on Christmas day you just HAVE to get out there.

(disclaimer: i am NOT pregnant. this dress is very deceiving but that's actually just my hip. sorry all!)

We had a VERY merry Christmas. 

Christmas Eve.

We had a lovely Christmas Eve. Our best Christmas as a family by far. 

We stuffed ourselves with Norwegian pancakes at the Hochhalter's house, the kids acted out the nativity and I cried when we all watched, "Mr. Kruger's Christmas." It was such a special night in their home. We felt just like family and the spirit of Christ was so strong as we watched those sweet little ones gather around the baby "Jesus," and kneel. Between seeing our friends and family in the glow of a Christmas tree and watching sweet Mr. Kruger, it's no wonder that love came spilling out of my eyes.

This was the first Christmas that the kids were old enough to be excited about opening presents. My heart took a picture when Owen opened, "The Muppet Christmas Carol," for us to watch together and hugged it. For the first time we pilled blankets and pillows on the floor and let the kids stay up late to watch it with us. It was all so magical in the glow of the lights, the spirit of Christ and the love so thick in the room you could almost touch it. 

Sweet, sweet memories this Christmas.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Two Too Soon.

Our little June Marie is officially two years old. Way, way too soon! 

This girl is crazy amazing, for reals. She is so full of life and silliness it kills me. 

Her most requested items right now are:
-shrek, nemo or bird (Rio movie)
-snack (fruit snacks)

My favorite things about her:
-She is still such a cuddler! Tim and I adore this. We soak up every cuddle. 
-She gives the softest little kisses with her little pouty lips it's the cutest thing ever. 
-She has the sweetest little baby voice. Just this small, sweet, petite voice that I can't get enough of.
-She does this silly thing where she'll ask for something and before you can respond she will respond for you with, "Otay? (okay) Otay! Otay! Otay!"
-She is (usually) a dream to take on errands. 
-She loves to cuddle up and read books with me. At night she will bring one to me and say, "stowee? (story)"
-She loves to cuddle at night while I sing lullabies to her. She had a few months when she didn't want to be sung to but she's loving it again and her favorite is "Little Star Sweeper"
-She has the most beautiful eyes. Both my kids have amazing eyes but her are this insane bluish grey. From time to time they turn a little hazel but they haven't completely turned yet.
-Her pouty lip. Seriously, I die.
-Her curls. The one bonus to the immense humidity is her curls are insane here! Love the curls to pieces.
-When we're putting her to bed at night she makes me close my eyes and pretend to snore and then she tries to eat my nose. She thinks it's hilarious!
-Her giggle when you tickle her belly is unbelievable! So insanely contagious!

I go could on and on about our little Bugsy bear. She is so funny and bright and we are so thrilled she's a part of our family. 

We love you June bug.
Happy Birthday my darling.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


We made cinnamon ornaments.
Now our house officially smells like Christmas.

(Jacqueline is the little girl I nanny. Her mother is a good friend of mine and we love them all to pieces!)

Sending Hugs.

Day 4 of our calendar was to send "hugs" in our packages to friends in Palau. They watched our kids for 8 hours while we went diving and would barely let us take them out to dinner. They were so gracious and we finally got hold of their mailing address to send them a "Thank You," package.

We also made a few hand print ornaments and a family events of 2012 ornament.
Owen decorated one all by himself. 

It was a quiet night but definitely a sweet one together.

Daddy Tree.

Day 4 of our Advent Calendar: Turn Daddy into a live Christmas Tree.
The kids loved this. It turned into a big game of "run around Dad as fast as you can with the crepe paper," but they giggled the whole time.

Tim was a good sport even though we had him in there pretty tight.

The aftermath.


Day 2: Decorate Christmas stockings.

Love watching them try to catch the rainbows from the prism. 

I was so proud of my boy. I loved watching him decorate his stocking, choosing what to put where.

June mostly did this.

We took a break in the middle to "hang our star." 
We can't really put one on top so we got this ornament instead.

Owen did the honors.

Can't wait to fill these!

Tree Lighting

Day 1 of our Advent Calendar: Go to a Tree Lighting. 

I randomly heard on the radio (how I find out about most happenings here on island) that they were doing a tree lighting at the Paseo de Marianas but we had no idea it was a huge event!

Only in Saipan will you find a Spongbob Christmas Tree cut out. 

All of these trees were donated by the local schools and businesses and all are decorated with recyclable items. We were pretty impressed with what they came up with.

Tim's pharmacist side especially appreciated this one.

These kids really want a train.

Oh you know, just your normal holiday treats.

Christmas colored slushes.

And of course Santa was there cooking up some pokemon pancakes.

Seconds before a brain freeze.

mission accomplished.

p.s. Bugsy held onto that slurpee the entire night.