
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Baetge Family

I shot a Family session this week. This family is so special. They found out upon her birth that their youngest daughter has dwarfism. Through the shock and obvious challenges you can just feel the love they have for this little girl. I got a little emotional (I blame the hormones!) when I was editing this session. Love is the greatest thing you can give a child and without a doubt this family has a lot to give.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rainy Days

It has been insanely hot so when it finally rained last week I was in heaven. I didn't even leave the house all day. Instead we painted pictures, played in the rain, and took long bubble baths.

They love to paint and I admit I love to watch, I just hate cleaning up. Mostly after June. Ha!

They are so interested in rocks right now. Even the tiniest pebble they will pick up and show it to me with such enthusiasm. It's adorable.

Jazz hands during a puddle jump.

These babies love to get wet!

My little guy is so sweet. He has turned into such a nurturer. He is always trying to teach June new things or tuck her in. Lately he has loved filling up the watering cans and watering anything in sight.

This silly girl had the brilliant idea to jump into the bucket. She thought she was pretty funny. 
I couldn't stop laughing!

Owen tried to get into the bucket but unfortunately for the little guy he is not actually that little anymore. I had a good time watching him try though!

Beach Date

We went on a double date with our friends last week. It's always fun to be with other adults without the kids and I love seeing Tim interact with people. It makes me love him even more. Mushy enough for you?

The guys took their ladies out on their scooters and we looked like a mini motorcycle/moped gang. Ha!

We always have the most beautiful sunsets here in Saipan and that night was no exception.
Can you believe we've only had ONE visitor come out the entire time we've lived here?!
Flights aren't cheap but look what you're getting!

Our friends the Hochhalters

Seahorses in the Sky! 

After the beach we head to The Taste of Marianas Festival. It's only once a year and only on weekends for the month of May. The food is AMAZING. We've gone twice and I still can't seem to say no to the barbecue ribs. Tim's gotten the curry twice too so I don't feel that bad.

My man sure knows how to take out his girl!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

the babes.

My babies are funny.

That's all.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

turn that frown upside down.

I was having a hard day.
So naturally I turned to cupcakes.

Owen Planking.

We also got ice cream. June pretended to feed me and then would fake me out.
 She thinks she's pretty hilarious.

The Mother's Day photo I wanted, just a few days late. :-)

Our kind of playdates

We've been really lucky to have met some really amazing people here. The other day we invited everyone over to the pool for a play date and I couldn't helped but feel blessed with such amazing friends, adorable children and incredible weather.

They definitely make Saipan an even more wonderful place to live.

And my 18.5 week belly.
The little man is quite the kicker lately! I started to feel him move about 2 weeks ago and this week I noticed I can see him move as well! It's my favorite part of pregnancy and I was thrilled that it's finally here! I've been feeling pretty good still. (Thank Heaven!) The fatigue hasn't really gone away but with the heat and humidity here I am doubting that it will. Running has started to get a bit difficult this week but I'm pretty determined to go as long as I can. 

I've been craving:
Fruit. Any kind of fruit. Oranges, Apples, Mangoes, Grapes, Pineapple, anything.
Vegetables. Carrots, and LOTS of salads.

Beyond that I have to really push myself to eat meat. It's just so darn hot!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Mother's Day meant so much to me this year. I was so aware of the love that my family feels for me and how lucky I am to be a mother at all. What's more is I'm able to do it with such an incredible man.

We went down to my favorite beach and I savored every snuggle.

And every kiss.

I can't believe how much this boy has grown! 

And my baby, who isn't really a baby anymore.

A husband who makes living in this GORGEOUS place a reality.

Sharing finds on the beach.

Monkey on Dad's back.
She's such a climber these days!

So grateful for the Mothers in my life. My own mother, my Mother in Law, my friends and even those who are yet to be mothers. I love you all and are thankful for your presence in my life.

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!