
Saturday, March 9, 2013

8 weeks and showing.

I've always shown early with all my babies (thanks to my tilted uterus and tiny frame) but I really don't mind so much this time. So far I've had good days and bad days but overall it's been fairly painless. I've managed to hold down food and keep running (although I've been slowing down to 2-4 miles and sometimes only 3 days a week instead of 5.)

Most days I feel pretty good just exhausted. By noon I'm half asleep and need a second wind. By 6 I'm falling asleep again. I'm basically a senior citizen. I'm nauseated on and off but it's most annoying when I'm hungry and can't figure out what to eat. Poor Tim has dealt with a lot of crazy crying fits over food lately. The other annoying this is I will spend a good hour or so cooking up an awesome meal and then by the time it's finished I can't touch it. In fact, I made some tex-mex cheese enchiladas with homemade sauce and everything yesterday and could barely take a bite without gagging. Such is the life I guess.

I'm still convinced we've got another boy in there. I will honestly be shocked if we find out it's a girl. My pregnancy with Owen felt almost identical. And truly I will be thrilled either way. 

regaining my cool factor.

 Pregnancy has slowed me down a little and the poor kids have been so bored. I needed to do something to regain my cool factor so I packed up the bikes and took them on an afternoon to the park.

Owen is really fast on his bike and could definitely move up to a training wheels bike but for now he is happy being faster than his sister on a pink bike. June can finally reach the pedals but just barely. I ended up tying my scarf to her bike and just pulling her. She had a blast. 

This girl is so observant. She's always looking around and telling me what she sees.

I so needed to see these smiles after such a rough week.

of course, elle-pant the elephant came too.

sudsy bugsy.

this girl hates baths. hates them. loathes them.
but put her in a tub outside in the yard and she is in heaven.
that counts, right?

the magic of dad.

a time lapse of daddy's homecoming.


first sighting.

pure magic.

Soccer Days.

ue hosts a soccer day at Owen's school once a month and he loves it. I love it because they invite the parents and he is just so funny when doing the drills. 

His little smirk kills me.

"I did it!"

During the water break he snuck in some sister loves. 

And of course, break dancing moves out on the field.

Seriously, this is kid too funny. We definitely look forward to Soccer Days.

Bubble Therapy.

Tim had a grueling 3 weeks of working 6 days a week, 11 hours a day. It was exhausting for both of us. We had to bring in reinforcements to keep our sanity at home. And we all know bubble guns are golden when it comes to bringing in some sanity. Thank heavens for bubbles, for reals.