
Monday, March 21, 2011


My dad is a hiking guide at Fitness Ridge (as seen on Biggest Loser!) and took us on a hike while we were visiting. After doing zumba that morning it totally kicked my can. And it was the easiest hike he knows! He took us to a place called the Indian University as it was filled with petroglyphs telling traditional stories.
It was really cool.

3 Months.

We're a little late on the 3 month post! She doesn't have an appointment until she's 4 months so I'm not sure her weight and height but she is chubbing up that's for sure!

At 3 Months June is:

smiling all the time! She is FULL of smiles just after she eats.
is talking more and more! we love it!
ALMOST rolls over
can scoot backwards on her back
eats her hands constantly
is a drool monster (teething maybe?)
usually sleeps 4-6 hour stretches
only takes about 2 naps a day now
is in 3-6 month clothing
plays with the birds on her bouncy chair
is learning to tolerate Owen :-)


We blessed June over Spring Break in the ward Tim grew up in. I was so overcome with happiness that everyone could be there. Being surrounded by family we felt so loved. My mother made June's dress and it was absolutely beautiful. I'm so glad she can have something special from Grandma that she can maybe pass to any of her daughters. The blessing itself was so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Watching Tim bless our daughter surrounded by all the men in our family was one of my favorite memories. We love our little dolly!