
Sunday, September 26, 2010

29 Weeks.

29 weeks with baby June.

The last week I've started to get pretty uncomfortable. When I started noticing I complained to Tim saying, "What is wrong with me? Why am it walking so hard all of a sudden?" His reply was,"It wasn't all of a sudden. It took you 8 months to get here!" I guess I had forgotten. I'm still not doing too badly. My hands and feet get pretty swollen and my hips have been widening. (Lovely) The other night I was moaning about the throbbing in my hands and feet and decided to weigh myself. BAD idea. The next morning I weighed myself again and had dropped 6 lbs! Can you believe I was THAT swollen that I could hold 6 lbs of water?! Yikes. Perhaps it's time to slow down on my walks, ha! It still feels like I've been carrying a furnace around and I've even been really tempted to chop off my hair. (I swear it makes it 10 degrees hotter!) I've held back mostly because I know soon my face will start swelling and I'd rather NOT look like a big mushroom head when I deliver.

I'm to the point now where I want to get it over with. I want to have her here so she can meet Owen and we can hold and kiss her and deal with whatever situations/dilemmas arise. That and I want to fit into my skinny jeans again. :-)


It was Smithsonian National Museum Day a few days ago and many of ABQ's museums were free! We went to the Nuclear Museum as Tim is a science nerd and was itching to go again. I was a bit disappointed when we got there as we learned you had to come with a print off to get in free. Boo! I admit I didn't have high hopes for the museum but surprisingly found it extremely interesting. Unfortunately Owen didn't share our sentiments and after about 30 minutes got bored and threw a fit. (A new favorite of his) Perhaps Tim and I will have to go back on a date without the little man, that is, if we ever find the time to actually go on one. :-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


We tried to get a little crafty last night. I introduced Owen to markers and finger paint. Surprisingly, he found the bottles of paint and the caps of the markers MUCH more fun than the actual activity.

and of course June is growing, growing, growing. 

me at 28 weeks. (it's a little late)
I'm getting really excited to meet our little girl! It's kind of scary to think she could be here in as short as 2 months! Feeling fairly well, just very big & always sweating. Thank goodness for cooler weather!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Christmas in September.

I love bargain shopping! Today I scored big at the "Just Between Friends," yard sale. Technically I didn't find anything I was actually looking for but I found some great stuff for Owen for Christmas. Now if I can just muster enough discipline to not let him play with them til Christmas!

Do you remember these? I had one when I was little and loved it. I've seen them brought back and Target and various flea markets but they're always close to $20! I picked up this little buddy for $4! I let Owen play with it for a few minutes and he LOVES it. I feel bad hiding it away until Christmas but he has to have something to open!

How cute is this?! Owen loves to play with spatulas, pots, pans, tupperware, etc. I have no doubts he will love it. An at only $8 I love it even more. :-)

Disney VHS! I know we are so old! We put up our SUPER old TV in Owen's room so he could have some quiet time and since Disney DVDs NEVER go on sale I figured $2 VHS tapes were the way to go. See those little hands snatching up Elmo's world? He obviously knows his Elmo. :-)

I also picked up a baby einstein bath book. I got one at the Twin's yard sale in March and Owen loves to read it in the tub. Hopefully that's not something he'll grow out of anytime so, otherwise his little sister will be inheriting it early.

I still have a few things I'm looking for but lucky for me the yard sales aren't over! The Twin's yard sale is next weekend and they are always LOADED with stuff. I'm crossing my fingers for a great deal on a double stroller. I love yard sales!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We've been hanging out by the pool a lot this summer.
Owen and I have worked up some pretty awesome tan lines. :-)

Owen LOVES the pool. He drags his floaty around the house all the time and tries to take it outside with him thinking I'll take him to the pool if he gets it through the door. It's made for some unsuccessful errand running but I think it's so cute that he loves it that much!

I'm almost 28 weeks now and my belly has taken over! It always amazes me how all of a sudden I hit my 3rd trimester and BAM! That belly becomes it's own body! I'm finally gaining a steady amount of weight because of swelling (and some double stuffed oreos!) so there's still a good chance she'll be just as big as Owen. 


Owen had his 2nd haircut about 3 weeks ago. We took him to a really cute place that is just for kids. He did so well! They had Toy Story 2 playing and as long as it was in front of him he didn't care about a thing!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We're trying to get outside as much as possible before my waddling turns into not walking so we ventured out to the zoo on Saturday. I was so tempted to buy a pass! My frugality got the best of me but I'm already regretting not going for it. Luckily Owen was a lot more interested this time. He would whisper to all the animals and then yell out to them.

All the walking got me pretty swollen but we had such a good time.
I'm glad Owen is finally appreciating our outings more. :-)

In baby news we've officially become nesters. We've gutted, cleaned, and rearranged every single room in the house. We have her crib up, Owen moved to a toddler bed and we've made way for her in every space possible. We still have quite a few things we need to get before she arrives but we are starting to get giddy  for her arrival. :-) 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Old Town.

We decided to go to Old Town a few weekends ago to enjoy the great weather. I always love going there and seeing the street vendors. I have to admit the Southwestern style is slowing growing on me. :-)

I fell in love with these hanging birds!

Local Tourists.

We have a list of "New Mexican" items to buy before we move and these stars are on the list.


We've been hitting up some local car shows lately. I've forgotten how much I love old cars! We've been to three so far in the last week or two which for us is pretty amazing. We can't seem to get a decent picture of the three of us but hopefully our time spent there will help instill some good car sense into Owen. :-)

Wishful thinking.

I'm a sucker for blue.

Owen seemed to enjoyed himself. 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mommy Biggest.

Week 26

My belly has exploded in the last week or two. I feel humungous. My belly button is for the first time ever an outie! I can't believe it! I've gained way less weight with June than I did with Owen but somehow I am still huge. Why do our babies insist on being so big? I've come to terms with the fact that I'm just always going to be a big pregnant woman. It gives me comfort to know that I can get back into my old clothes after the baby but as for being a small asian pregnant person? I don't think that's in the cards for me. I must have more of my Dad's side in me because heaven knows an asian woman doesn't turn into busty mcbust, even when with child. I'm a week away from being into my 3rd trimester which has really surprised me. Though I've been sick through this whole pregnancy I've kind of forgotten about it a lot as well. We're just so busy with Owen we forget that --oh yeah, I'm sick because I'm pregnant. Even then I sometimes have to give myself a reality check that being pregnant means you'll eventually have another child! 

Still pretty sick. Usually I'm sick for a few days then have a few good days but the past 2 weeks have been filled with sick days. I'm sure it doesn't help that my allergies kicked in this month as well. Owen gets them a little bit too so we have  been a pretty sad pair since neither of us can take anything for our relief. The heat has finally gotten the best of my fingers. At night it gets so hot (even with the A/C running!) that I have to take off my rings at night. It makes me so sad. I'm thinking about buying some ridiculous fake bling to wear in the meantime. :-)

Getting dressed has become kind of a hassle. I bought a bunch of dresses thinking they would last me til the end but they are getting shorter and shorter. I regret not having Tim take a picture of me in this dress a month ago when I looked really cute in it and when it came down to my knees where it is supposed to be. :-) I'm already itching to start P90X again, ha! Only one more trimester and our little June will be here!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

As of late.

We've been spending a lot of time at the park this past week and I finally remembered to take my camera along. Owen is now going on 17 months! I can't believe it! Especially since before he turns 20 months he'll have a baby sister!

All is well here. Tim started a new rotation this week and has a totally different schedule. He doesn't mind it so much but it's killing me! I'm ready for all these rotations and new schedules to be over and done with as I'm sure he is. He's finding he really likes the nuclear specialty so it helps us narrow down our choices for where to move after graduation. Right now we're playing with the idea of moving to Washington/Oregon, or North Carolina. I'm sure once June is here we will crack down a little harder and make some decisions.

I decided to go back to school part time this semester even though I'm due with June during finals week. I've spoken to my teachers and they've all agreed to work out an early final for me. Perhaps I'm taking on more than I can handle but I really wanted to take advantage of all my grants and scholarships before we make too much money and won't be eligible for them. I technically only have 5 more required classes for my nursing pre-reqs but since most of them have a 4 hour lab attached I'm taking classes that are "suggested," or "beneficial," for one reason or another. One of these days I'll be all finished and I can proudly call myself a nurse!

Owen is as crazy and happy as ever. He's finally noticed that mom's belly is getting big and moves from time to time! He's a little weirded out by this and has gotten really clingy, wanting to be held and paid attention to allllll the time. On the plus side of it he has become VERY cuddly and has started giving hugs. It is oh so cute. :-) It makes me a little nervous about when June comes as he definitely doesn't like to share Mom or Dad.

Baby June is doing well. She's measuring a little big but not nearly as big as my Owen. :-) I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions which have been quite annoying. My doctor says I need to try to stop lifting that 30 lb weight named Owen. :-) The last 3 weeks I feel like I've gotten HUGE. It's gotten hard to bend over and I've noticed I've started to waddle a little already. Only a few more months and we'll have TWO babies. I can't believe it. I'm still very nervous about it but we're very excited to meet our little girl.