
Thursday, June 10, 2010


Perhaps it's overkill to dress an asian baby in asian clothes but I couldn't resist. :-)

I missed his "asian smile," by a fraction of a second.

How hilarious is the print?! Ninja karate chops all over the place. :-)

Owl Cafe.

We ventured out to the Owl Cafe a week or two ago after saying we wanted to for 3 years. :-) 
We are suckers for old fashioned diners. 

Can't resist a Shirley Temple.
Turns out Owen loves pickles!
 I won't eat ANYTHING that a pickle has touched so I'd venture to guess he inherited that from his dad.

Forgive my sans makeup. Baby Duex still insists on making me sick.
And of course, our family picture wouldn't be complete without a little shifty eye from Owen. :-)

blue bird II.

This little blue

turned into 

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Owen & the Spoon

Owen learned how to feed himself today. :-)