
Monday, January 21, 2008

the continuation of life.

I have basically fallen off the far side of the earth for the past few weeks. After coming home from Christmas I've been working crazy overtime and then starting online school, leaving my poor husband at home to do the dishes. I do however have a moment here to update our fan club of the recent happenings of TimLyn. :-)

Tim's birthday was on Jan. 4th and like any good wife I took him to dinner and with the help of our friends made him a mini poster of friends and families pics with caption boxes telling of their worst or best birthday ever! (Like Michael's birthday on the Office! We are a little obsessed.) So in honor of my Mr. I will say a few words to his birthday past.

"To the man who laughs at my lame jokes,
to the man who knows exactly how I like my tea,
to the man who likes to put my name in random songs,
to the man who loves to hear my laugh,
to the man who I will love forever, more today than yesterday,
to that man, happy birthday."

It's true. I am in love with my husband. Through all my unladylike fart jokes, and my annoying habit of leaving socks at the bottom of the bed, he is still by my side and professes his love to me. :-)

In other news, Tim starts his 2nd semester at pharmacy school tomorrow and I hopefully will be so buried in my books this semester that I wont' be a whiny baby while he's studying. lol.
We also were looking to move into a bigger apartment, complete with washer and dryer! But alas, the frugality in us held us down & we will spend another year here in our no w/d, no dining room apartment. My plan is to badger our unspent extras from rent into my revamping project, hello new curtains! & possibly a rug. We shall see how much I am able to get away with before going into retail shock. I got the new Anthropologie catalog mailed to my residence the other day and I am already wearing down the paging from my attempts to fill my brain with these marvelous ideas. The first time I discovered the Anthropologie store in Salt Lake I remembered feeling as if I had found my mecca! Someone had gone into my head and put my entire being into clothing, shoes, & decor! Anyhow, that is where my mind has been lately. That and strangling the mailman who REFUSES to deliver my packages to my apartment forcing me to spend an hour at the post office on my off day to pick up a tiny book his wussy arms wouldn't bother to carry.

Mostly, that is our update. We spend our time, eating, sleeping, working & making office jokes with Nate & Theresa Nuckols. :-) Perhaps we will grow up one day. Then again, maybe not. :-)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

To & Fro.


Tim & I have been all over this Christmas season! It's been extremely hectic but so much fun! First update, I started my new job as an Office Manager at The Amish Connection just before we left for our holiday vacation. It's such a breath of fresh air! Compared to the hell I encountered at Ajilon Finance I honestly have been thanking Heavenly Father for this new job since I started. They are so friendly and the work is interesting and they actually care about you! Not once have I walked to my car alone after closing, & I'm so impressed with the high integrity they carry. The schedule change is a little different but it's well worth it. After starting my incredible new job we had a small Christmas party with our friends here in Albuquerque. It was nice to have everyone crammed into our tiny one bedroom apartment eating makeshift chocolate fondue & scarfing down marshmellows. We had ourselves a good time! :-) Later that night, after finding out our suitcases wouldn't hold anymore gifts, we had a mini Christmas & amidst all the excitement we ended up letting each other open our birthday presents as well. :-) We've been enjoying Tim's Rocky Anthology quite thoroughly. :-) Next it was onto Las Vegas where we spent a few days with our friend Dave and his vegas famous roommate Brian the weatherman. :-) The guest room we stayed in was like a hotel! After Vegas we headed to St. George for my brothers wedding. I cried like a wussy baby. They are such a beautiful couple & I'm so excited to have a younger sister! I love Kari! After the wedding we headed up to Salt Lake and meet up with countless relatives & some old friends. I almost cried after passing our old apartment. I yearn for the city of salty lakes!! But for now Albuquerque is home. We arrived home on my 21st birthday & I was so looking forward to home cooked meal. Tim made some delicious steak stir-fry & rainbowchip cake! Complete with rainbow chip frosting! For New Years we went to Las Cruces & spent some time with Tim's old mission companion & his family. His little girl was so adorable! We got to watch some of her first steps, it was so beautiful! Anyway, I will be light on the details as to spare you several inside jokes & puns. Instead, I will post a few pictures from our trip. :-) Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone!