
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

7 months

my two front teeth

dr. suess pigtails

Time is definitely not slowing! Our little June is already 7 months now and such a joy in our family.

At 7 months:

-15 lbs (tiny little thing! a lady the other day asked me if she was 3 months old! ha!)
-We can put her hair in REAL pigtails. Her hair is so long we really have to have it up so she can see!
-Sits up fairly well.
-Rolls over! Hooray! She is so cute when she does it, we love to watch her as a rolly polly.
-got her first TWO teeth!
-slowly eating more baby food. She's really interested in our food but baby food, not so much. (Although Owen is MORE than happy to eat her leftovers ha!)
-in size 3 diapers
-does a great Tarzan yell
-usually thinks her brother is hilarious
-starting wearing 6-9 month clothing
-laughs more
-is VERY mommy clingy. If she sees me walk away or into a room and I'm not holding her she cries. 
-she does this cute thing when she gets shy, she lifts her shoulders, slyly smiles and lies her head on my chest. SO CUTE.
-blows her tongue at you.
-stands really well against a coffee table. I usually don't even have to hold her.
-LOVES the sophie giraffe.
-will sleep 7-8 hours straight and go down for another 2-3 hours IF she has a room to herself.

She really is just such a silly, mild mannered baby. We are really enjoying her! Love you June Marie!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

the low down.

Since making the decision to move across the ocean there has been lots to do. Tim had to take the NAPLEX and a pharmacy law test and then wait for the results to be mailed to him since we live in the stone age. After that we were waiting for his diploma, license and our passports to be mailed. (How are some of these not available to do online? What year is this?) Right now we are only waiting on ONE thing and it should be here any day so we're looking to leave the U.S. in about a week.  (mere DAYS before the last Harry Potter movie! The universe hates me!) We are SO excited to get real life going.

While doing all this waiting we've been living it up as much as you can on a zero dollar an hour plus benefits salary by hanging out with our family and friends. It's been pretty awesome. The kids are LOVING seeing their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. I can tell they really miss their home in ABQ (we love you ABQ!) but they've been doing really well.

Owen has been chatting it up the last few weeks. He's said several new words like: Sorry, dog, Nate (our nephew), Bye, Hi, Hello, Grandpa, Aunt, Nancy, even crap! (Thanks Aunt Nancy! ha!)  One night I heard him wander into the kitchen and went in to follow him. I picked him up and said, "Let's go back to bed son." He answered, "No, mom!" He is really learning quickly and is loving the rough housing with Uncle Vince and cousin Nathan.

Saipan, here we come!!!!

Hoogle Zoo.

We went to Hoogle Zoo. I LOVE this zoo. 
It was super crowded because of the holiday weekend but we still had a lot of fun.

We got to see Rob & Kari for a minute too! They were arriving just as we were leaving.

Aren't the mountains so beautiful?!

Red Iguana.

The Red Iguana is hands down my favorite restaurant of all time. It's home to our 2nd date and the first ever "salsa challenge!" We were able to sneak in for lunch one day and we were in heaven.

Salsa Challenge 2011.
The salsa was super spicy this time and our mouths were burning but we just couldn't stop!

My mecca.
You know the food is good when you dread feeling full.

Carne Asada a la Tampequena

Tacos don Ramon

I'm still salivating.

Stop in the name of the Law!

My brother graduated from Police Academy a few days ago and we were able to attend! 
He had quite the cheering section with Linkon & Owen clapping and yelling for him. :-)
He even got an award for setting the record for the most push ups in a minute! 

Way to go Rob!

We're proud of you bro!

Time well spent.

We've been enjoying ourselves in Salt Lake the last week or two. 
Lots of picnics, parks & family.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fun at Aunt Sam's.

Sometimes when we're dead tired we go to Aunt Sam's to let the kids run wild.

Real men wear pink.

Pajama day.

Drama King.

Madeline the scientist. 

down the gullet.

I've been trying to convince June that food in other forms are pretty awesome. So far she's not diggin' it. I've only been able to get her to eat pears and squash. This girl can clench her lips closed so tight you'd think it was a vice. Little bugger is pretty smart, she figured out I'm trying to substitute her feedings for baby food pretty quickly and refuses them more than eats them. I'm hoping she changes her mind soon since her teething has gone into overdrive and the biting is becoming a deal breaker for me.

I love you bug but ouch!

Fire and Brimstone.

Our days in St. George were SO HOT.
Our solution was to stay poolside and eat lots of ice cream.