
Thursday, February 25, 2010

my boy.

Owen looks more and more like his Dad everyday.
BUT, he used to look like me. 
Here's the proof:


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

happy anniversary darling.

3 years ago today we were married. 

a few things about TimLyn:

we love tradition.
-for our wedding we did the Estonian tradition (where Tim went on his mission) and were lifted up on chairs.
-we were married in the Salt Lake Temple just like every other person in his family starting with his parents.
-i get him the traditional wedding gifts every year. *Year one=Paper=Jazz Festival Posters & a collection of our first year together in pictures. *Year Two=China/Cotton=T-shirt from "Big Trouble in Little China" *Year Three=Crystal/Leather=A leatherbound edition of The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
-every year for valentines we have a heart shaped pizza.
-we named our son after his Grandfather Oscar Neldon (went by his initials "O.N.") Wood and gave him his father's name for a middle name just like every first son in the family.

we love oldies.
-our wedding song was "Sleepwalk," by Johnny & Santos.
-our song while we were dating was "You're the One," by the Vogues
-we have oldies knowing challenges on the radio. whenever Tim wins he congratulates himself and says,"Must've been before your time." :-) Even though it was before his time as well.

we are silly.
-we quote lines from the office to each other every single day.
-we pull pranks on each other. ie: locking each other out of the car.
-he substitutes words in songs for my name, "jew" instead of you, and sometimes even "your momma."

he knows I love him because:
i make sure to have a home cooked meal on the table every night.
i go all the way to Albertson's instead of the Smith's I regularly go to just to eat his favorite Red Plum Jam.
i keep the house clean. *most days.
i only bake the desserts he likes even though i'd LOVE to have a brownie with walnuts in it.
i never make him do the dishes or laundry.
i let him go golfing whenever he wants.

i know he loves me because:
he is the only one who knows how i like my tea and makes it for me whenever i ask.
he will wash Owen's bottles before we go to bed because he knows I hate to.
he watches sex & the city with me even though he hates it.
he let's me buy things i don't need.
he never leaves me without giving me a kiss first.
he almost ALWAYS lets me get my way.

happy anniversary darling. i love you more now than i did three years ago when i said, "i do."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2 tickets to that thing you love.

If you're are in need of a good laugh...
this just about killed me.

oh, so hilarious.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

love sick.

All of us at the Wood house are sick.
I spent most of the day preventing my head from exploding and trying to breathe through my nose and Tim spent the day chasing after Owen and trying not to cough on everything.

We did, however,  manage to do a little celebrating.

Our traditional heart pizza. This year, due to being sick, we didn't have all the ingredients we needed to we had to be a little creative. Usually, we don't use Mexican Blend Shredded Cheese  but it was all we had.

Fruit Heart Pizza for Tim. His favorite dessert.

The sickly's.
I realize we both look awful after a day of snot-rags and coughing but through sickness and in health,
we love the heck out of each other. :-)

Even Owen had a little treat.
Forgive the blurry picture. I was too lazy to get my real camera out.

Though we were all sick, I still have to say that this Valentines day beats out last V-day when Tim and I spent the entire night (and most of the morning) in the emergency room when Owen tried to make his great escape. 

Regardless, our lives are filled with love.
Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Owen's finally crawling!!

Not that it didn't take awhile to learn.
Here's the proof..

Owen earned himself a little shiner below his eye and a nice ole red mark on his forehead.
Oh, the battlescars of a baby learning a new skill. 
Thankfully, he's a little better at it now and doesn't face plant nearly as much. 

Congratulations Owen! We love you!

thanks a lot jerkface.

I don't think it's any secret that driving in Albuquerque brings out my inner road rage aholic.
Today I came out of a store with Owen only to find this.....

Can you see how they parked OVER the line?! I seriously had to climb thru the other side to put Owen in his carseat and jump OVER the stickshift to get to the drivers seat. Needless to say, I was irate. The most annoying part? We were the only two cars in the ENTIRE parking lot! And he HAD to park 2 inches from my car? It took everything I had not to spit on their car.