
Monday, March 26, 2012


Are you all getting bored of these beach outings?
I'm just now realizing we go A LOT.

New fascination with hermit crabs. Owen loves to look at them but is too afraid to touch them.

June doesn't sweat it.

That tiny person is Owen. He is always running off and wanting to lead us somewhere else.

Hermit Highway.

Trail to the beach.


The park is much nicer when Tim gets to come.
I get a real run in and then I get to annoy my kids and husband by relentlessly snapping their photo. :-)

June has been getting extra cuddly with Dad these days.

Her new BFF.

Little Mama.



Highlights from last week:

Beach. Of course. I can't believe how big Bugsy looks in this picture.

Banana Pancakes. The tropical bananas are MUCH sweeter than American bananas and they carmelize when cooked. So, SO good.

Owen is obsessed with karate. This is one of his many "karate stances."

June as cuddly as ever.

Fresh fruit smoothies.

Big girl ponytail.

Cool Down.

Winters here aren't especially cool but the humidity goes down a little. 
We enjoyed it as long as it lasted but it's definitely heating up again--humidity and all! 
So it's back to the pool we go.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Time lapse.

When we first got to Saipan our kids looked like this.

Now they look like this.


Noodle Face.

Because I found the sequence of this event to be crazy cute. 

We're around.

We've been up to some random stuff lately.
Pow wows in our front yard when Daddy gets home and Mom doesn't have dinner quite ready.

The house on the right is ours. That view is also...ours. :-)

View from my window.

Sunset from our window.

Silly monkey on the way home from the beach.

HUGE kids! 8 months ago June barely fit in there!

Bird/Frog watching from our steps.

Sugar Dock Beach.

Went to Sugar Dock Beach for the sand bar a few weeks ago. It had been a long time.