
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Day.

Low Points:

-Owen pooping his pants.
-Owen pooping his pants again.
-June's new hissy fit phase.
-Still not getting rid of my migraine.

High Points:

-Owen helping me wash the dishes.

-Looking over to see and hear June reading a book to herself.

-June's new obsession with shoes. She'll pick them up and walk around the house with them or put them in special hiding places. We have to really watch or else a shoe will go missing or like today---a mountain of them will fall out of the bottom cupboard when you open it.

-Owen signing. He gets SO into the songs and it's insane how fast he learned them all. He may not know what they all mean yet but he is quick during the songs and knows all the moves.

-June's peek a boo game. She covers her eyes and waits for you to say, "boo!" before removing them and saying, "Bah!" Adorable.

-Owen wanting to be held. He's a big boy but he just learned to say, "UP!" when he needs to reach things so he's constantly saying it--I think he's very proud of himself. :-)

-June's tight squeezes and pats on the back when I sing to her at night. She is very picky about songs and didn't like any of Owen's favorites. I sing, "I Love June, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!" a few times and "As I Have Loved You," a song from the church primary. She'll get really excited and give me tight hugs that go all the way around my neck and then grin at me, kiss me and finally she'll calm down, lay her head on my chest and pat my back to the beat of my heart until she finally relaxes and I'll lay her in bed. LOOOOVE it.

-Reading to Owen at night. He is learning so much about animals and books and I just love our time together. He loves to just have his arms around me and play with my face and giggle with me. He hates to see me go and it's heartbreaking to see him throw out his arms towards me saying, "mama, no!" I will never tire of those hugs and kisses.

Monday, February 27, 2012

preschool days.

I've been trying to be a better mom and get the kids out of the house a lot more and having more focused activities for them. I've been taking them to the park or a playground almost every morning and because I really wanted to help Owen with his language learning I decided to do a mini preschool lesson with him and June just after their nap. So far he's loved it!

Mini Volcanoes 

June, of course, had to have one too.


Lava lamps.

It's been really fun to see how they react and where the lesson takes us. Usually once the "activity" is over I just let them do what they want with it. A few days ago we did milk painting and they spent a good 30 mins afterwards just moving the colored milk back and forth in pans outside. This turned into a water fight while I was hosing them down and then a bubble bath and before I knew it Tim was coming home from work! We've seen a lot of improvement in Owen and June both as well so it may not be the magic answer but it's definitely helping. :-)

little things.

Our kids have been doing some seriously cute stuff lately. It's funny how the youngest starts walking and you can finally step back and breathe. (*I'm free!!!!) I notice a lot more of what they're doing now that I'm not on the brink of exhaustion and it's so fun to see their traits.

June Marie Wood
21 lbs 2' 4" (28")
*there are no "well check ups" here so I did these myself

-she talks to herself constantly.
-she made up her own alien language. Lots of l's involved.
-screams in short bursts when angered.
-silliest little giggle--ever.
-has some super curly hair.
-still has her baby blue eyes.
-aspiring gymnast/mountain climber.
-love books.
-says: mama, dad, brother, duck, please, uh oh, buh bye and pop pop! (see community season two for reference)
-loves to sing.
-is ticklish under her arms and her thighs.
-very independent. doesn't want to hold my hand anywhere!
-lets me do her hair most days.
-still is a VERY light sleeper but can go back to sleep on her own finally.
-loves fruits and vegetables and hates pizza.
-sleeps on her tummy.
-a serious snuggler. i get hugs and kisses alllllll day.
-has a series of tricks: blows kisses, waves, and prays.

Owen Timothy Wood
35 lbs 3' 1" (37")

-sings several songs including: ABC's, Tomorrow (Annie), Maybe (Annie), Starfall songs, Signing Time songs and the Wheels on the Bus.
-has added a few new words! hooray! on a daily basis he'll say: No, Mama, Dad, MyLyn, June, Up, Okay, No way, Uh oh, Milk, Juice, Help, Stop it, Please, Thank you, Apple, Cereal, Candy, Sorry, etc. He's been doing better with language lately and has started to pick things up pretty well. He's still behind but is moving along really well.
-loves baths or anything to do with water. Dishes, water fights, watering the plants, etc.
-Loves bedtime because he gets one on one time with Mama and Dad. He usually wants holds me in a hug for as long as he can before I finally have to leave. So cute!
-Successfully potty trained! Yahoo!
-Loves to help. 
-Likes to pretend he's a dog. Ie: putting his food on the floor and eating on his hand and knees, Panting, Licking, Barking.
-is a master at paper toss on the ipod.
-nagivates our touchpad laptop with ease.
-loves taking pictures.
-really likes to draw or color.
-loves to run.
-dirt. he loves it.
-can pray. cutest thing ever.
-put away toys and shoes.
-sticks objects up his nose.
-hides in clothing racks in stores.

Seriously these kids are CRAZY cute.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 years.

We celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary a few days ago. We didn't want to spend a lot and a friend of ours offered to babysit all day AND night! We ended up not being able to leave them all night (I couldn't do it! I missed my babies) but it was an amazing day.

We first hiked to Bird Island Beach.
Doesn't he look so good in a backpack?

Repelling down


Bird Island behind us

The tide was too high to swim across to the island and the water was kind of rough so we just snorkeled around the beach. It was a lot of fun. We laughed about how wussy the waves felt when we were underneath them but when we'd catch a wave from above it'd send us flying! Suuuper fun. :-) We saw a new kind of fish that we haven't seen yet as well. 

Twisty Trees. It's so strange--these trees all grow into each other like a big web.

Coconut trees sprouting on their own.


Bird Island Profile

After we got home and showered we went to a movie and actually liked it! (we're tough critics) For dinner we went to the 360 building. At the top they have a restaurant where the floor revolves (like the Space Needle). At first it made me really dizzy but after I got used to it it was fun to see the island from so high. 

8 stories up.

We spoiled ourselves.

I mentioned on the phone to the reservation line that it was our anniversary and they brought this ice cream cake out before we left. Love great service. :-)

Day to Night View

This is what I made Tim for his gift. We had always talked about doing something big for year 5. Traditionally wood gifts are given for this year and with our last name being Wood we thought about doing several things: building a wooden dining table together, getting wooden rings, etc. etc. But we didn't really want to do any of those here because it'd be a pain to send most of them home. Instead I made this embroidery of a tree stump. There are 5 lines for each year we've been married and the kids names are on the years they were born. I actually didn't quite finish (the kids misplaced my thread) but I'm quite proud of it. I didn't know how to embroider before and had to learn each stitch from how-tos online so I feel that a boo yah is in order. :-)

Tim bought me a super rad swimsuit and carved our initials in a beetle nut tree in our yard. I thought it was so sweet. I love walking outside everyday and seeing it. Seriously how could you NOT love this man?

I love you baby.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jeffery's Beach.

Went to a new beach last week. It took us awhile to find it but it was fun to see a new one. The water was pretty rough so we mostly skipped rocks but it was still so cool to see some rugged beach. Plus I learned to refine my "outdoor restroom" skills on this trip. :-)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some Pros to Saipan.

This list is still a work in progress but so far here's what I have:

Weather-it's always summer in Saipan. Though I miss the seasons it's extremely nice to know that it's going to be sunny and warm everyday.

Beaches- And TONS of them. They're so beautiful and never crowded.

Thursday night Street Market- Every thursday night they shut down the same street and local vendors sell all kinds of food--4 choices for $5! It's super crowded but it is so fun. It feels liek what I imagine the spice market in India would be like.

Saipan Garage Sale- It's basically a huge flea market every Saturday and is super fun. You never know what odds and ends you'll find there.

Tropical flowers- I LOVE flowers and Tim used to always bring flowers home to me because he knew how much I loved them but here there is no need to. There are flowers EVERYWHERE. And they are oh so beautiful.

Fruit- Tuesday night they have a fruit and vegetable market where local farms sell their crop for CHEAP. When we very first arrived we got 4 mangoes for $5. Bananas are ALWAYS in season and you can get a huge heap of them for $1. We also have guava, papaya and coconut almost always.

Asian influences- I can find hello kitty or sanrio like characters everywhere and LOVE it.

Local stores- There aren't really any big department stores but there are dozens of privately owned stores. They're a bit of a surprise each time we go to a new one. We have fun some really fun and interesting things in these small shops.

The people- Everyone is so lively and fun. And it's so nice to be around Filippinos all the time. It reminds me so much of my mom.

Second Families- We honestly have become such a close knit community so quickly with a few other families. Owen and June are basically like brother and sister with lots of their friends and it's so nice to have families and friends you can rely on and feel so comfortable around.

Love for Babies- everyone here is crazy about babies. They are always wanting to hold them or play with them or even take pictures of them. Lots of times people will ask if they can carry my kids to the car for me and at parties and events it's like free babysitting!

Snorkeling- The aqautic life here is incredible because of the coral reef that surrounds the island. Tim and I are wanting to get an underwater camera because the fish are just so colorful and beautiful.

Hiking- The land here is beyond beautiful. It's very rugged and untamed and most of the main hikes are fairly easy.

Incredible views: It's almost impossible to not have an ocean view wherever you go on the island. We can see the neighboring island of Managaha from our house window and I sometimes can't believe we actually live here.

Reggae music- Huge hightlight of living here! Over christmas they had carolers sing song to a reggae beat and I about died of happiness.

Cheap spa services- I've never been one to do these things because of the price but for $20 an hour the massages are great! And pedicures at only $15 a pop have also become a favorite!

Easy hair- The humidity and salt in the air makes my hair SUPER wavy/curly and there's no use in trying to do anything with it. Fortunately its just one less thing I have to worry about.

Everything is so lax here- No one cares what you wear and shoes are optional just about everywhere

Seamstress- seriously I will be so sad when we leave. Having a seamstress hand make and tailor your clothing is INCREDIBLE. I've had her copy two shabby apple dresses and they're almost identical and only cost me about $20 a pop.

Full service gas staions- At first it made me uncomfortable but now I love it. I can have my car filled up, the trash taken out and anything I want from the store without ever having to leave my car.

Health- We eat healthier by default because a lot of American foods aren't available here or they're just too expensive.

Housing is cheap- We have a 4 bedroom furnished house with a pool and a guard and are paying next to nothing.

Asian food- I honestly have had some of the most incredible Asian food EVER here--and for super cheap.

Cleaning services- Another service that is SUPER cheap here. Usually once a month I pay a lady (who is also a friend) around $30 for half a day to clean my house. The two of us together and get the entire house spic and span within about 4 hours and I will seriously miss that luxury of help when we leave.

Time- The island is so small that it takes little to no time at all to get anywhere. You can circle the entire island by road in about 30 minutes. When people say things are "far" they mean it's about 10 minutes away.

History- A huge part of WWII happened here and they've left everything where it stood. The history is just so alive here it's incredible.

Gardening- The humidity and temperatures are ideal for everything to just grow! I've only managed to kill one of 5 plants we've been given and for me that's a record!

Mini vacation- It's only a 10 minute ferry ride to the island of Managaha which has been listed as one of the top 20 most beautiful beaches in the WORLD. Boo yah.

As I said--this list is a work in progress, I'm sure I'll have MUCH more to add later!

Friday, February 10, 2012

ups and down.

Phew. We started off the week with another round of sickness. Saipan is beautiful but a big "con" (full list to come later) of living on a humid rich, tight knit community island is when one person is sick, EVERYONE is sick. And not just for the standard amount--because of the humidity viruses here are much stronger and last twice as long.

We've been working with Owen on his speech therapy and while he's made what they call "great improvement," it's still very frustrating and difficult for all of us. His patience with not being understood has all but diminished and being sick didn't help. The last three days have been particularly trying since he's taken up full fledged hitting and throwing heavy objects. Yesterday he literally cried or screamed ALL DAY. Tantrum after tantrum. Needless to say by the end of the day I had reached my limit.

Today I tried to be prepared. I had a list of things that could help the issue so I started at the top. I took them to the Saipan Garage Sale which is better described as a flea market. I let him lead me around, we stopped and looked at the fish and he got a small toy for a dollar. The tranquility didn't last long. He decided he wanted June's toy instead and I ended of carrying both children--kicking and crying--back to the car. Maybe he needs some one on one time? So try I did. I made a road for his cars out of masking tape on the floor, tried to engage him with play doh, even tried building lincoln logs. Nada. Everything was thrown into all corners of the room after a few minutes of play. Not even for any particular reason. He had been put in time out several times already (and it only being 11am) it became apparent that nothing I do today will appease this child I threw my hands up. I finally just put them both in the bath and let him and his sister destroy it. I figured everything in there is either washable, replaceable or unbreakable, right?

"Just make it to nap time, just make it to nap time." I had to repeat it over and over in my head. And that's what I did. 

I kept my cool when June threw up on purpose just to play with it, 
I kept my cool when Owen hurled wooden lincoln logs at my head,
I kept my cool when he insisted on having yogurt and cereal and then denying it because I didn't put it into the measuring spoon (because I should've known it belongs there, no?)
I even kept my cool when he kicked me in the face, splitting my lip, because he didn't want to get dressed.

"just make it to nap time." 

Make no mistake, I love my children and motherhood is beautiful, wonderful and joyful but there are definitely days where I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong, that I'm a terrible mother or that I'm just plain ill-qualified.

And these are the times that I have to remind myself of the sweet things they do.

Like praying without being prompted and hearing a very distinct, "AMEN!"
When they give each other kisses.
When they try to save each other from time out.
When they wake up in the middle of the night and only want me.
When they clap with glee all over their face because they accomplished something.
When they won't go to bed until I have kissed them good night.

Oh my sweet babies. I may have aged ten times as fast since having you, but I love you oh so much.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I don't know why I don't visit the park more often. It's beautiful with trees and grass and fish and crabs and of course, an ocean view.


These kids sure learned early how to form an opinion.


I love when they get along.