Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Early Christmas
I was having a terrible, awful, no good day yesterday but was so happy to come home to a room full of surprises!
1. Tim had dinner all ready for me (he probably got sick of me texting him about how starved I was ha!)
2. I let a friend of mine borrow my FCUK dress for a white party and she left me a bag of victoria's secret goodies when she returned it! A girl can never have too much lip gloss, right? ;-)

3. I had been complaining to my sister in law of my musical black hole dillema and she sent me 7 cds in the mail! I was so excited! I now have all the white stripes & killers albums as well as Justin Timberlakes love/sex sounds or whatever its' called. I LOVE ELLEN!! 
4. Like a fool I bought vegetarian refried beans and they were digusting. (Tim said they smelled & tasted like farts, which was actually true) So I went to smiths were they had the new June issue of Better Homes & Gardens out!
Sure it's May but it felt like Christmas to me!

4. Like a fool I bought vegetarian refried beans and they were digusting. (Tim said they smelled & tasted like farts, which was actually true) So I went to smiths were they had the new June issue of Better Homes & Gardens out!
Sure it's May but it felt like Christmas to me!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Running Start.
Quick Post:
I finally threaded my sewing machine today! (Tim basically had to do it for me, how embarrassing! In my defense I haven't had to thread my own machine since Home Ec class in the 8th grade.) I successfully brought in 2 of my work shirts that I have been swimming in for the past few weeks.

I finally threaded my sewing machine today! (Tim basically had to do it for me, how embarrassing! In my defense I haven't had to thread my own machine since Home Ec class in the 8th grade.) I successfully brought in 2 of my work shirts that I have been swimming in for the past few weeks.
Exhibit A: The Sea Whale

Hand in Hand:

Sunday, May 11, 2008
What a wonderful world.
2nd post of the day but these women without a doubt deserve the spotlight:

Marilyn Torculas Brant: I love my mother. i have so many fond memories of my mother. my love of cooking, flowers, & singing all come from my mother. and my good looks, ha! :-) A convert to the church, my mother is always telling me to say my prayers and always calls me to tell me she loves me. Mahal na mahal kita mamang!
Maureen June Wood: One of the sweetest women I have ever met. I love visiting her and talking with her on the phone. I always come away with such a comforted spirit & she's always so open to hearing what I have to say. My mother through marriage, but I love her as my own.
I miss my mothers!!!! happy mothers day to these beautiful women!
Out of Hibernation.
Apologies to our devoted fans! We've been lazy/busy lately, hence the no posting. I just finished my finals (haleighluyah!) and have sworn off school for the summer. I really thought I had it in me to do 1 or 2 classes but then I went on a Target shopping spree and decided on something else. Ha! You can usually find me wandering around the Target on Lomas from 8:15-9:30am Tuesday-Friday since I take Tim to school and don't want to waste gas by going home before work. Needless to say I am extremely knowledgeable in the whereabouts of the Target bargains. In my wandering I found a Singer Sewing machine HALF off!!! $45 dollars later I took home my brand new sewing machine and just recently joined an online sewing group that I'm super psyched about. I blame the stress of the semester for my Target spending addiction. On the bright side I found some great dresses for $15 or less! Isaac Mizrahi is my new found favorite!
In view of my school free bliss I have made some summer goals as to not let my brain turn to mush:
1. Work out 2-3 times a week. This is a must if I want to have any dignity at the half marathon come October. Also, I need to work off the weight I put on this semester with my no time/pizza eating habits. Yikes. :-S

2. Bake/Decorate a cake at least twice a month. Another Target find! My mother used to decorate cakes when I was little and I'd spend hours watching her and flipping through her cake magazines. You can imagine my excitement when I saw a Betty Crocker ("As seen on TV" even!) cake decorating start kit with 100 pieces for only $10! (Poor Tim! I bought so much that month!)
3. Start growing my garden. Theresa Nuckols and I have been talking about starting our garden for weeks and finally bought each other some seeds to jump start our projects. I haven't started yet but we have some spring
flowers, & lavender that I will attempt to plant. Hopefully they survive, most plants get suicidal around me.
4. Read at least 3 books. I was a nerd from elementary all the way thru high school. I was the dork who when the teachers asked if we'd read any good books over the summer always said yes. First up, "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell. Read it before but decided to revisit his genius while waiting for my hold at the library for "Predictably Irrational," to come up.
5. Try a new recipe every week. With the farmers market so close and my love for cooking smothered by the endless semester of hell, not to mention my BRAND NEW subscription to Better Homes & Gardens Magazine, I figured we could all benefit from this.
It's only been a week of freedom with my new goals and I've already started reading, and I baked 6 mini cakes for the women at work for mothers day and our favorite friends Theresa & Nate. I'm finding that I like my domestic summer much better than school. I can see why some women for-go school for babies! I have to admit though had it not been for my crazy 18 credit semester I would've really loved my classes. With the obvious exception of math. I think that goes without saying.
Moving on, poor Tim's finals are starting tomorrow and neither of us have been getting much sleep with his studying til the wee hours of the night. (I'm one of those needy wives who can't fall asleep without their husbands next to them. Yep, that's love for ya.) We'll be sure to celebrate his freedom with a trip to Elephant Bar after this week as well.
Hope everyone's summer is starting off well!
In view of my school free bliss I have made some summer goals as to not let my brain turn to mush:
1. Work out 2-3 times a week. This is a must if I want to have any dignity at the half marathon come October. Also, I need to work off the weight I put on this semester with my no time/pizza eating habits. Yikes. :-S

2. Bake/Decorate a cake at least twice a month. Another Target find! My mother used to decorate cakes when I was little and I'd spend hours watching her and flipping through her cake magazines. You can imagine my excitement when I saw a Betty Crocker ("As seen on TV" even!) cake decorating start kit with 100 pieces for only $10! (Poor Tim! I bought so much that month!)

4. Read at least 3 books. I was a nerd from elementary all the way thru high school. I was the dork who when the teachers asked if we'd read any good books over the summer always said yes. First up, "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell. Read it before but decided to revisit his genius while waiting for my hold at the library for "Predictably Irrational," to come up.
5. Try a new recipe every week. With the farmers market so close and my love for cooking smothered by the endless semester of hell, not to mention my BRAND NEW subscription to Better Homes & Gardens Magazine, I figured we could all benefit from this.
It's only been a week of freedom with my new goals and I've already started reading, and I baked 6 mini cakes for the women at work for mothers day and our favorite friends Theresa & Nate. I'm finding that I like my domestic summer much better than school. I can see why some women for-go school for babies! I have to admit though had it not been for my crazy 18 credit semester I would've really loved my classes. With the obvious exception of math. I think that goes without saying.

Hope everyone's summer is starting off well!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Fancy Free.

I just had to blog about our fantastic day! We slept in, got an oil change and went to the flea market! It was AMAZING! It went on and on and I was pleasantly surprised at what they had there. Antique cameos, vintages chairs, and tables galore! I was in bargain deal heaven! After spending an hour or so perusing we headed to the indoor farmers market. You could just smell the freshness throughout the entire store. Everything was so incredibly cheap, we only spent $10 and got a pair of pears (ha!), blueberries, strawberries, apples & a fresh juicy pineapple. All in all, it was the perfect way to spend a wonderfully sunny morning with my baby & me. :-)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
"Sometimes instead of buying dinner, I'd buy the latest issue of Vogue. I felt it fed me more."
Finally! A woman who understands! Ficional or not, she has finally said what I could never explain to my husband. I have an obsession with fashion. Not just designer names but vintage, unique, european, you name it, i love it. From eyewear to footwear I just can't get enough. I sometimes, literally, ACHE to see something fresh, new, classic. And even when I find it, my heart is broken all over again because it is just beyond my reach. Selfishly, one of my highest dreams is to have a closet full of fabulous things to wear that will perfectly match how I feel about that particular day and a house full of eclecticism and class. And I guess a family and all that. Ha, ha! I realise these dreams may never come to light but a girl can still dream, yes?
Here is an inside view of my daydreaming wishes:

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Oh happy day!

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Paint the town Red.

We're in Love!
Alas, it is true! One year after agreeing to an eternity together we are still madly in love. :-) Our Anniversary is today but it being the Sabbath and all we celebrated last night. It was so much fun! Tim brought me flowers to my work and later picked me up to go to dinner before taking me to the ballet! Being the dork that I am I brought 4 dresses with me, which I tried on before leaving working to make the right choice. We ended up having a few extra moments to go home first before dinner and exchange gifts. With 1 year anniversary being the year of paper or clocks Tim got me a card that had a painted picture of a scene that looked almost identical to the spot he proposed after the ballet on my birthday! It was so sweet! I also had mentioned months ago that I wanted to get a new set of scriptures with my new name and ones that weren't all beat up and highlighted to death. And what do you know, he remembered! His memory is reputedly far better than my own and I was so touched that he had remembered how much I had wanted them. I love them! For him I had made us have mini celebrations every month for our first year of marriage and made him a book full of pictures and poems of the things we had done. It was fun to see how we had grown together throughout the year. Continuing on with paper I had made some calls and got my hands on the 2006 and 2007 SLC Jazz Festival posters, which we had attended each year since we started dating and both love! It turned out so cool! We put them in frames and I have to brag, it looks fantastic on our wall! I want us to start collecting them!
Anyhow, the night continued on with an enormous dinner at Samuri where they basically served us crates of tepanyaki and sushi and even gave us free fried ice cream after finding out it was our anniversary! It was so sweet! We wrote them a thank you note and left it with our tip. Then it was onto the ballet! I was so excited because Albuquerque doesn't have much of the things we loved to see in Salt Lake so we were both happy to have finally found something! The ballet wasn't exactly Ballet West but it was still fun to watch. We had a passerby take a picture of us outside the theater and then we got lost downtown for an hour trying to find our way back home. Ha ha! All in all, we had such a fun night and it was so nice to have a real night out on the town. All day I was remembering when I first met Tim and called my friend to tell him I had met the perfect guy! and I was soooo nervous around him, I made a complete fool of myself, yet he still fell in love with me! Ahh, life in love is beautiful, no? :-)
Monday, February 18, 2008
Our new suduo name. Our daily routines have turned into work all day, homework all night or in Tim's case, School all day, work, work, work and then homework til the break of dawn. How did this happen?! I am not too proud to admit I took on way too much this semester. I was much too ambitious. Lesson learned! I will never take 16 credits and work full time ever again! The past 2 Friday's I've come close to tears just because I was so tired and poor Tim has been sick for weeks. Okay Universe! We get it!
In better news we're making a good share of money, enough in fact to celebrate our nearly school free summer (I'll probably still take maybe 2 online classes) to go on a California sun filled vacation! The islander in me needs to reconnect to it's oceanic roots and Tim has yet to experience Disneyland! With this excitement looming, I am determined to have my semi-abs back in time for our freedom from school excursion.
here is my plan of attack:
(Tim doesn't need a plan of attack since he stays thin no matter how many bowls of chips & salsa he devours.)
The Goddess Belly Dance Workout with Dolfina:

As silly as it sounds it is actually my favorite work out! It gets your entire body limber and flexible while working back muscles, stomach muscles, arms, shoulders, hips, EVERYTHING! You may find me chuckling every now and again when she tells me to "awaken my kundelini," but what's a few laughs compared to a kick A stomach?!
Gaiam Fitness Ball Workout:

Nate & Theresa, both being health majors and it being an Office inside joke bought me this amazing contraption for my birthday last December. I haven't actually used the workout dvd yet but I've had plenty of fun bouncing on it like a five year old. Irregardless, I'm confident it will help with my balance & give me more of hard core workout than my dancing.
Last but not least, the old fashioned treadmill:

I'll be the first to admit, I'm too lazy to run on actual ground. Perhaps after my lungs don't feel like exploding I will venture out onto less technologic earth. Until then, it's my husband's mp3, my old high school track shoes, and the treadmill that will almost run for me. :-)
Before my farewell, I do want to make note of our sweet little valentines day. Last year we were a week away from getting married and had no furniture in our apartment (heck, even MY stuff wasn't there yet!) so we opted for heart shaped pizza and sparkling cider on the floor of our future home. This year, with both of us a little sick, exhausted and a full time schedule, we decided to continue on our tradition of the heart pizza. So here's to love and the wonderful commodity of the frozen food section. :-)
Monday, January 21, 2008
the continuation of life.
I have basically fallen off the far side of the earth for the past few weeks. After coming home from Christmas I've been working crazy overtime and then starting online school, leaving my poor husband at home to do the dishes. I do however have a moment here to update our fan club of the recent happenings of TimLyn. :-)
Tim's birthday was on Jan. 4th and like any good wife I took him to dinner and with the help of our friends made him a mini poster of friends and families pics with caption boxes telling of their worst or best birthday ever! (Like Michael's birthday on the Office! We are a little obsessed.) So in honor of my Mr. I will say a few words to his birthday past.
"To the man who laughs at my lame jokes,
to the man who knows exactly how I like my tea,
to the man who likes to put my name in random songs,
to the man who loves to hear my laugh,
to the man who I will love forever, more today than yesterday,
to that man, happy birthday."

It's true. I am in love with my husband. Through all my unladylike fart jokes, and my annoying habit of leaving socks at the bottom of the bed, he is still by my side and professes his love to me. :-)
In other news, Tim starts his 2nd semester at pharmacy school tomorrow and I hopefully will be so buried in my books this semester that I wont' be a whiny baby while he's studying. lol.
We also were looking to move into a bigger apartment, complete with washer and dryer! But alas, the frugality in us held us down & we will spend another year here in our no w/d, no dining room apartment. My plan is to badger our unspent extras from rent into my revamping project, hello new curtains! & possibly a rug. We shall see how much I am able to get away with before going into retail shock. I got the new Anthropologie catalog mailed to my residence the other day and I am already wearing down the paging from my attempts to fill my brain with these marvelous ideas. The first time I discovered the Anthropologie store in Salt Lake I remembered feeling as if I had found my mecca! Someone had gone into my head and put my entire being into clothing, shoes, & decor! Anyhow, that is where my mind has been lately. That and strangling the mailman who REFUSES to deliver my packages to my apartment forcing me to spend an hour at the post office on my off day to pick up a tiny book his wussy arms wouldn't bother to carry.
Mostly, that is our update. We spend our time, eating, sleeping, working & making office jokes with Nate & Theresa Nuckols. :-) Perhaps we will grow up one day. Then again, maybe not. :-)
Tim's birthday was on Jan. 4th and like any good wife I took him to dinner and with the help of our friends made him a mini poster of friends and families pics with caption boxes telling of their worst or best birthday ever! (Like Michael's birthday on the Office! We are a little obsessed.) So in honor of my Mr. I will say a few words to his birthday past.
"To the man who laughs at my lame jokes,
to the man who knows exactly how I like my tea,
to the man who likes to put my name in random songs,
to the man who loves to hear my laugh,
to the man who I will love forever, more today than yesterday,
to that man, happy birthday."

It's true. I am in love with my husband. Through all my unladylike fart jokes, and my annoying habit of leaving socks at the bottom of the bed, he is still by my side and professes his love to me. :-)
In other news, Tim starts his 2nd semester at pharmacy school tomorrow and I hopefully will be so buried in my books this semester that I wont' be a whiny baby while he's studying. lol.
We also were looking to move into a bigger apartment, complete with washer and dryer! But alas, the frugality in us held us down & we will spend another year here in our no w/d, no dining room apartment. My plan is to badger our unspent extras from rent into my revamping project, hello new curtains! & possibly a rug. We shall see how much I am able to get away with before going into retail shock. I got the new Anthropologie catalog mailed to my residence the other day and I am already wearing down the paging from my attempts to fill my brain with these marvelous ideas. The first time I discovered the Anthropologie store in Salt Lake I remembered feeling as if I had found my mecca! Someone had gone into my head and put my entire being into clothing, shoes, & decor! Anyhow, that is where my mind has been lately. That and strangling the mailman who REFUSES to deliver my packages to my apartment forcing me to spend an hour at the post office on my off day to pick up a tiny book his wussy arms wouldn't bother to carry.
Mostly, that is our update. We spend our time, eating, sleeping, working & making office jokes with Nate & Theresa Nuckols. :-) Perhaps we will grow up one day. Then again, maybe not. :-)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
To & Fro.
Tim & I have been all over this Christmas season! It's been extremely hectic but so much fun! First update, I started my new job as an Office Manager at The Amish Connection just before we left for our holiday vacation. It's such a breath of fresh air! Compared to the hell I encountered at Ajilon Finance I honestly have been thanking Heavenly Father for this new job since I started. They are so friendly and the work is interesting and they actually care about you! Not once have I walked to my car alone after closing, & I'm so impressed with the high integrity they carry. The schedule change is a little different but it's well worth it. After starting my incredible new job we had a small Christmas party with our friends here in Albuquerque. It was nice to have everyone crammed into our tiny one bedroom apartment eating makeshift chocolate fondue & scarfing down marshmellows. We had ourselves a good time! :-) Later that night, after finding out our suitcases wouldn't hold anymore gifts, we had a mini Christmas & amidst all the excitement we ended up letting each other open our birthday presents as well. :-) We've been enjoying Tim's Rocky Anthology quite thoroughly. :-) Next it was onto Las Vegas where we spent a few days with our friend Dave and his vegas famous roommate Brian the weatherman. :-) The guest room we stayed in was like a hotel! After Vegas we headed to St. George for my brothers wedding. I cried like a wussy baby. They are such a beautiful couple & I'm so excited to have a younger sister! I love Kari! After the wedding we headed up to Salt Lake and meet up with countless relatives & some old friends. I almost cried after passing our old apartment. I yearn for the city of salty lakes!! But for now Albuquerque is home. We arrived home on my 21st birthday & I was so looking forward to home cooked meal. Tim made some delicious steak stir-fry & rainbowchip cake! Complete with rainbow chip frosting! For New Years we went to Las Cruces & spent some time with Tim's old mission companion & his family. His little girl was so adorable! We got to watch some of her first steps, it was so beautiful! Anyway, I will be light on the details as to spare you several inside jokes & puns. Instead, I will post a few pictures from our trip. :-) Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone!
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