Tim & I have been studying for finals night & day. It has caused me to cast my gaze around various corners of the living to try and let my eyes rest of the words I'm burning into them. The other night I noticed how ghetto our TV is. We're too cheap to buy one so my mother gave us one she wasn't using, we're also too cheap to pay for cable, and too cheap to buy rabbit ears. Heck, we're even to cheap to buy cereal at full price.
Our solution? Foil, cable cord, & an awesome iron candelabra I bought from the D.I. 3 years ago.
Splendid. We college kids know how to conserve.
I gagged in horror.
Still, I'm sure I'll look back on this one day while sitting in my couch that wasn't purchased through craigslist, or D.I. and think fondly of the ghetto makeshift antenna we constructed to get 3 extra channels, two of which are Spanish. :-)
oh yeah, and I bought the chest it's sitting on at the D.I. too instead of an entertainment center. In all honesty I'll probably never get rid of it. We're so obviously cheap. lol