
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5 Months.

Little Bug is 5 months old! I can't believe how fast times passes with the second baby. I feel like I haven't had time to realize she's not a newborn anymore!

24 inches 13 lbs

Here's what little Dolly has been up to lately:

-Was starting to be curious about foods so we let her have some rice cereal mixed with fruit and she LOVES it. She can down quite a bit of it.

-Is learning how to sleep at night. The whole "tough love," is a lot harder for her and we're still working on figuring it out but she's definitely not as easy as Owen. On a good night she'll sleep form 8pm-2am, feed and then sleep from 2:30am to 5:30 for her last feeding and wake up around 8am. A bad night is basically twice before I go to bed and several times throughout the night. She still won't take a binkie and will not be coaxed by rocking, bouncing or anything else we've tried. It's been frustrating to say the least.

- Naps like a champ! We swaddle her, lie her in the crib and after 5 mins of crying (if any) she's out. Too bad the nighttime doesn't go like that at all!

-Jibber-jabbering like crazy.

-Is so hard to get to laugh! Dad and Owen are best at getting her to laugh. With Mom she's pretty withholding.

-Starting to love her brother. She smiles at him often and he can even get her to laugh!

-Is still SUPER grabby. Now that she's bigger she grabs anything that in front of her and puts a death grip on it. I cut my hair this month to avoid more fistfuls of hair.

-Drooling like crazy. There are literally rivers of drool flowing down my arms when I hold her.

- Has bitten me several times now! Ouch! What ever happened to not biting the hand that feeds you?

-Loves her playmat & excersaucer but hates the swing now. We returned it to our friends (thanks, Maria!) because she started refusing to even sit in it.

-Licks anything if it's close to her face.

-Sticks her tongue out constantly.

-Tries really hard to sit up.

- Spits up almost every time she burps. Yuck.

-Still has a few exploding diapers.

-Has discovered her toes! I think it's the cutest thing when she grabs on and then rolls to her side.

She has been such a joy! And though she's still smaller than Owen was at this age she definitely is getting chunky!