I've always shown early with all my babies (thanks to my tilted uterus and tiny frame) but I really don't mind so much this time. So far I've had good days and bad days but overall it's been fairly painless. I've managed to hold down food and keep running (although I've been slowing down to 2-4 miles and sometimes only 3 days a week instead of 5.)
Most days I feel pretty good just exhausted. By noon I'm half asleep and need a second wind. By 6 I'm falling asleep again. I'm basically a senior citizen. I'm nauseated on and off but it's most annoying when I'm hungry and can't figure out what to eat. Poor Tim has dealt with a lot of crazy crying fits over food lately. The other annoying this is I will spend a good hour or so cooking up an awesome meal and then by the time it's finished I can't touch it. In fact, I made some tex-mex cheese enchiladas with homemade sauce and everything yesterday and could barely take a bite without gagging. Such is the life I guess.
I'm still convinced we've got another boy in there. I will honestly be shocked if we find out it's a girl. My pregnancy with Owen felt almost identical. And truly I will be thrilled either way.